Lentils: Calories in Lentils

Lentils are said to be the first domesticated crops. They are said to have their origin in the Near East. Of the total calories in them, about 26% come from proteins. It is an important part of diet in many parts of the world. Lentils are a major part of Indian cuisine, as the Indian continent has a large vegetarian population. Let's take a look at how many calories they contain, along with their nutrition facts and the varieties they are available in.


Half cup of boiled lentils contains approximately 115 calories. On the other hand, cup of dry lentils, that is about 32 grams contains 120 calories. Lentils are recommended for people on restricted diets, as they contains only 70 calories per serving.


Lentils are found in various colors, ranging from yellow and red-orange to green, black and brown. The skin of red, white and yellow lentils is usually removed. They are also available in various sizes. Some lentils are sold with the skin and some are sold without the skin. There are some that are sold whole, while others are sold split. In some cultures, beans and peas are also termed as lentils; however, they are in reality, pulses. The various types of lentils are Spanish Pardina, yellow lentils, eston green lentils, brown skinned-red lentils, big Mexican yellow lentils.

Nutrition Facts

Lentils are easy to cook and are easily available as well. They can be given to children, sick and old people as well.

  • There is no cholesterol content in lentils.
  • At the same time, they are very low in saturated fat.
  • The sugar content in them is also very low.
  • Lentils are rich in dietary soluble fiber.
  • They are high in iron, and hence are an important part of a vegetarian diet. About 60% of recommended dietary allowance of iron can be got from 100 grams of lentils.
  • Phosphorous is also found in high amounts in lentils.
  • The other important nutrient that they are rich in, is thiamin. One hundred grams contain 67% of the recommended dietary allowance of thiamin.
  • Very few people are aware that lentils are also high in Vitamin C.
  • Along with the above-mentioned nutrients, lentils are also high in folic acid.
  • They provide Vitamin B to the body as well.
  • Lentils are also packed with antioxidants necessary for the body.
They do not provide all the essential amino acids, therefore, they have to be combined with cereals to complete the amino acids requirement of the body. Due to the nutritional value of lentils, they are suitable for weight loss and for maintaining optimum health.

Nutrients Amount*
Protein 49.5 gms
Dietary Fiber 58.6 gms
Sugar 3.9 gms
Water 20 gms
Calcium 108 mg
Iron 14.5 mg
Magnesium 234 mg
Phosphorus 866 mg
Potassium 1833 mg
Sodium 11.5 mg
Manganese 2.6 mg
Copper 1 mg
Zinc 9.2 mg
Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids 209 mg
Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids 776 mg
* - These contents are for 1 cup raw lentils with a weight of approximately 192 grams.

Along with all the nutritional value of lentils and the low calories they contain, remember that they are also high in purines. These organic compounds cause uric acid salt deposition in the joints. Hence, people who suffer from inflammation of joints, should have restricted consumption of lentils.

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