Isotonic Exercise

There are two types of exercises namely aerobic and anaerobic. Generally, aerobic exercises which include walking, swimming and cycling, help burn calories and reduce weight. Aerobic exercises also help increase our oxygen intake, thereby improving the cardiovascular system function. Anaerobic exercises generally build and strengthen our muscles. Anaerobic exercises include isometric and isotonic exercises. The difference between isotonic and isometric exercises is that the first exercises involve muscle contractions with movement of joints whereas the latter involve muscle contractions without movement of joints. In simple words, when you are lifting weights it is isotonic whereas isometric means lifting and holding the weights in position.

The exercise in simple terms relates to muscle contractions. Any exercise in which your muscle contracts or there is a strain or tension on the muscle; for example weightlifting. Ninety per cent of gym workouts are isotonic. The word 'isotonic' is derived from the Greek words 'iso'- which means equal and 'tonus'- which means tone; i.e. the word isotonic implies maintaining equal muscle tone. When you flex your biceps, it is isotonic contraction. It is said that in human beings, apart from the normal movements, like sitting, standing, etc. all other exercises are isotonic.

Types of Isotonic Exercise

These exercises can be differentiated on the basis of contractions. There are mainly two types - concentric and eccentric. In a concentric contraction, the tension on the muscle is so high that it shortens. Concentric contractions are used in all types of exercises. In eccentric contractions, the force exerted is greater than muscle strength, hence the muscle lengthens. Though eccentric contractions greatly improve muscle strength, it can also lead to muscle soreness and injury. Lifting a weight is considered a concentric contraction whereas lowering of the weight is an eccentric contraction. These workouts can be done using free weights like dumbbells or fixed or heavy weights like barbells; sit-ups, push-ups, bicep curls, and tricep curls. The exercises can involve very common activities like walking, running and skating.

Exercise Benefits

  • A very important benefit of exercises is having stronger, flexible muscles and stronger bones.
  • This exercise is beneficial in toning all muscle groups.
  • Apart from improving muscle mass and bone strength, it also helps to enhance metabolism of the body.
  • The exercises also help maintain body weight.
  • The exercises help develop a good physique which improves self-esteem.
  • These exercises put more strain on a muscle, which it is not used to. These muscle contractions lead to the growth of proteins in each cell of the muscle.
  • The exercises are effective for people who want to gain weight.
  • These exercises are extremely beneficial for patients suffering from arthritis.
  • These exercises are an important part of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
  • They help improve coordination and mobilize joints.
If you are suffering from any health problems, start the exercises under the able guidance of a trainer. Proper warm up is necessary or it may lead to muscle spasms. Exercise according to your capability, avoid strenuous workouts. Proper cool down exercises will also help reduce muscle stiffness and muscle spasms. Along with these exercises, proper rest is also necessary. Whether the exercises, or any other type, you must remember that your workout must be proper and regular. It will help you stay fit, both physically and mentally. So enjoy and have fun while exercising.

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