Daily Exercise Plan

Daily exercising is beneficial to all. To lose and gain weight having a daily exercise plan is a must. Exercise is necessary to keep the body and the mind fit. Daily exercise promotes a healthy lifestyle. Working out on a regular basis also prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Daily Exercise Plan to Lose Weight

It is no secret that having a daily exercise plan is an integral part of your exercise program. Regular exercise can guarantee weight loss and also increase your stamina.

  • Plan cardio workouts for six days in a week. Rigorous cardio exercises not only improve the stamina, but also burns the excess calories. People often recommend dieting to lose weight. Research says exercises speed up the calorie burning process in the body. If you pursue dieting, your body may lose muscle mass; not the fat percentage.
  • Spend 20 minutes doing some form of mild cardio exercises. If your body is too lazy to start running and jogging; go for a brisk walk for 15 minutes. If you have led an active lifestyle and become overweight due to domestic responsibilities, start up with a class of aerobics, spinning and jogging. The fastest way to lose those extra pounds is swimming. 30 minutes of swimming burns more than 400 calories and is a good option for total body workout.
  • Avoid extreme dieting and have a balanced diet. Do not follow a diet program that restricts the inclusion of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. All these ingredients are essential for the body and should be taken everyday. Include raw fresh fruits and salads, meat, dairy and quality fats or good calories in your daily diet. Avoid having junk food and canned foods. They are high in calories but lack nutrition. Minimize the intake of alcohol, candy, aerated drinks and other foodstuffs which have high sugar content.
Daily Exercise Plan at Home

You don't have to go to a gym to lose that excess belly fat. You can come up with a daily exercise plan at your own place. Have a low calorie diet and a brisk walk for 40 minutes everyday. Try to do a lot of stretching exercises to stay in shape and also to improve flexibility. Fix a daily time for your exercise, preferably in the morning.
  • Nutritionists recommend a diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low dairy products and foodstuffs with low fat content. These foodstuffs help to reduce the extra weight and also increase the stamina of the body.
  • Include heavy cardio workouts like brisk walking, jogging or running on a treadmill for 20 minutes. Cardiovascular exercises speed up the metabolism in the body which in turn helps in burning calories.
  • Walk a staircase for a few minutes to warm up. Then hop on to skipping for 10 minutes. Do 10 push-ups; 2 sets each. Do crunches for 5 minutes and take rest.
Daily exercise plan for men, women and children can include similar exercises. Assign your exercise a proper time. You should give your daily exercise plan complete attention, if you want to achieve desired results of having that perfect body. Include brisk walking and jogging as warm up exercises. Having sessions at aerobics class, running on a treadmill and climbing steps if done for 20 minutes can improve the metabolism of the body. Swimming is an ideal workout option for men, women and children. Include push ups and weightlifting exercises for men and women. The most important thing is to have a balanced diet.

Whatever daily exercise plan you choose, follow it religiously. Spare some time of your day on physical fitness, as it is rightly said - 'Those who think that they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness' - Edward Stanley.

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