Properties of Carnelian

Carnelian is a semi precious stone available in variety of red color shades. It is primarily found in India and some places in South America, Brazil, Australia, and Russia. The word carnelian comes from Latin word carnis, which means flesh. Carnelian is essentially the variety of chalcedony, which is also known as cornelian. In olden days, being aware of the carnelian gemstone properties, the ancient Egyptians valued it a lot. They believed that carnelian is the source of constant renewal and vitality. For this reason, carnelians were kept in the tombs for peaceful journey of the soul after death. Apart from this, carnelian has a long storied past and has a lot of spiritual significance in the supernatural world. Read further to know more about its properties.

Healing Properties

Traditionally, properties of carnelians are known to promote good health. They are known to ease digestion problems. Ancient Egyptian women also used this stone during pregnancy to reduce the stomach ache and labor pains during delivery. According to them, placing the carnelian stone on the pubic bones for twenty minutes reduces the pain. Carnelian also induces better absorption of minerals and vitamins. It is known to enable the formation and growth of new blood cells and hence it is widely used for healing open wounds, injuries, and scars. Carnelian was also considered to possess blood purifying and cooling properties. So it was commonly used for kidney diseases. It is known to eliminate toxic elements from the body. Carnelian was used to increase sexual desire and passion during sex, as it was considered as the power and energy stone. Apart from this, it is also used to cure problems related to reproductive system, arthritis, asthma, blood pressure problems, back pain, and gallstones, etc. Carnelian is a grounding stone and so it is known to reduce mental stress. It is also known to heal emotional and psychological problems. Basically, carnelian stone promotes physical as well mental well-being of a person. These are some of the red carnelian properties.

Metaphysical Properties

Carnelian was also known to have various magical and mystical properties. It was known as the stone of ambition, success, energy and power. Some of the astrologers and horoscope masters say, that this stone provides motivation and inspiration to those who wear it regularly. It gives them the ability to think positively and take right decisions in life. It also fetches good fortune and happiness to people. The stone is also known to help people with concentration problem. The stone is so energetic that it stimulates curiosity, inquisitiveness and hidden talent of a person and makes the person more creative. This in turn helps the person lead a successful and happy life. So, many people who want to have great career are advised to wear this stone. One of the carnelian stone properties is that it improves analytical abilities of a person and clarifies the perception. It protects a person from negative vibrations, rage and envy that helps in healing depression, anger, and sadness. People suffering from various emotional problems are known to benefit from this stone. The grounding effect of the carnelian gives you more self control and helps you in self actualization, that in turn helps in understanding the self worth. These were some of the metaphysical carnelian properties.

After reading these properties of carnelian, if you are planning to sport one, be sure to buy the original one. There are lots of carnelian accessories available, such as bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, etc., so you can choose the right jewelry that enhances your style quotient and also becomes your lucky mascot. With these carnelian properties, you are sure to explore the mystic world and excel.

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