Legumes List

Since Bible times, lentils are being used in meals. Legumes can be vegetables or grains. The seeds of the grain legumes are called pulses. They come in wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. They are available as fresh, dried, or canned. They offer you feeling of satiation. They are known for good nutritional value in general, and are encouraged on a south beach diet.

List of Legumes

The following legumes list is of course not complete, but you can start substituting legumes for less-nutritious foods, after reading the list. You can add legumes to spaghetti sauce, rice dishes, or you can add more beans to the table as side dishes. Legumes can be included as an ingredient in meatless patties, soups, salads, noodles, and fries, and thus can easily be incorporated into your diet in delicious ways. Take a look at the list of legumes presented below. You might be surprised to see the variety of legumes. Some legumes are common, some are not.

Alfalfa Asparagus Bean Asparagus Pea Baby Lima Bean Black Bean Black-eyed Peas Black Turtle Bean Boston Bean Boston Navy Bean Broad Bean Cannellini Bean Chickpeas Chili Bean Coco Bean Cranberry Bean Dwarf Beans Egyptian Bean Egyptian White Broad Bean English Bean Fava Bean Fava Coceira Field Pea French Green Beans Frijol Bola Roja Frijole Negro Great Northern Bean Green Beans Green and Yellow Peas Kidney Beans Lentils Lespedeza Licorice Lima Bean Madagascar Bean Mexican Black Bean Mexican Red Bean Molasses Face Bean Mung Bean Mung Pea Mungo Bean Navy Bean Pea Bean Peanuts Peruvian Bean Pinto Bean Red Bean Red Clover Red Eye Bean Red Kidney Bean Rice Bean Runner Bean Scarlet Runner Bean Small Red Bean Snow Peas Southern Peas Sugar Snap Peas Soybean Wax Bean White Clover White Kidney Bean White Pea Bean

Legumes Nutritional Value

  • Legumes are packed with essential vitamins and minerals which ensure good health.
  • They are rich in dietary fiber that facilitates easy digestion, and helps control cholesterol and sugar levels.
  • They are rich in good quality protein which keeps you satiated and helps maintain health.
  • They contain a good amount of potassium which lessens the effects of sodium on blood pressure.
  • They provide folate, an important nutrient which helps avoid birth defects when present in the diet of a pregnant women.
  • They are considered as a good source of magnesium, that is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Magnesium promotes absorption of calcium and potassium.
  • They contain vital elements like selenium which carry antioxidant properties, and help prevent cellular damage from free radicals.
  • Legumes being high in calcium, they can be helpful in maintaining the strength of your bones and teeth.
  • You would be happy to know that they are low in fat/calories. So they can help avoid excessive weight gain.
  • Being low in cholesterol, they can be included in 'low cholesterol diet'. They help prevent heart diseases.
  • Legumes have the least glycemic value though they provide carbohydrates. The starch obtained from them is slowly absorbed in the blood, and it does not lead to abnormal fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
  • They are considered as a good source of vitamin B which helps improve the function of the nervous system, and boost your energy levels.
  • These seeds are high in iron, a vital element. Iron is essential for producing various enzymes, for production of red blood cells and healthy blood. Iron is required for good supply of oxygen to all cells, and improved cellular function.
Usually canned beans tend to raise blood sugar more than the beans which you soak and cook at home. You can opt for canned legumes without salt. Do not forget to rinse canned legumes before using them. You should avoid beans canned with sugars or lard.

A few of the legumes like lupins, are cultivated for their flowers while many are cultivated for the oil they offer. The oil is used for industrial purposes. Some legumes are grown for dye and natural gum production, for instance, indigofera and acacia. Some are cultivated for timber while some for exploiting high levels of captured atmospheric nitrogen. Roots of legume plants are able to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, and hence high levels of nitrogen are found in roots of these plants.

Beans, peas, and lentils are listed under the title 'legumes'. Protein rich legumes should be considered as healthy substitute for meat, since meat has more fat and more cholesterol. I hope the above legumes list helps you to add a variety of legumes in your diet; so just stick to the above food guide, and lead a greener lifestyle.

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