Fine Thin Hair

When we speak about thin hair, there are two hair problems we are dealing with. If you have fine hair, then it basically means that the diameter of each strand of hair is small. Thin hair would mean that you don't have a lot of strands. While the texture of your hair is usually a genetic disposition, if your hair has begun to thin recently, it could either be because of diet, stress, medication or other factors. Whatever the reason for hair loss, it must be identified and addressed. If you've always had fine and thin hair, then volume adding products, the right haircut and style, and some tips and tricks to make your fine hair thick will help you deal with the situation.

Hairstyles for Fine Hair

The best way to wear your hair is in a shorter hairstyle and ideally all a single length. The cuts that will give you the most volume are:

  • Bob: There are many variations of this cut, and the one you settle for should be the one that suits your face shape the most. If you have an oval face, you can carry off an ear lobe length bob. However, if you have a wide jaw or a round face, you should consider a longer bob.
  • Short and Tapered:While these cuts suit younger women more, if you have a youthful spirit, you may be able to carry it off. A shortcut will prevent your hair from appearing limp, as there isn't any addition length to weigh it down.
  • Mid-Length with Layers: If you are among those who cringe at the idea of short hair, then an option that may work for you is a shoulder length cut (or just below your shoulders), with very light layers. Alternately, you can have it cut with a slight diagonal movement at the sides.
  • Bangs:Haircuts, if accompanied with bangs, can provide a winning combination to add volume to your weak and fine hair, especially if you have a large forehead. These loose locks of hair are also effective in combating your scalp showing.
Tips to Make Fine and Thin Hair Look Thicker
  • Fine thin hair look fuller in a darker hair color. A light or platinum blob will make your hair look thinner, and increase chances of your scalp showing through. Alternately, you could get light highlights on a dark base, which can add brightness and dimension to your hair.
  • Perming and coloring damages the hair by breaking many bonds. If your hair are already thin and fine, it is a very bad idea to expose your hair to the chemicals that will be used for either procedure. And don't be fooled by sales pitches about new products are safe.
  • When you set your hair, or get it curled, request your hairdresser to use a bricklay or zig-zag parting pattern. This does not create any obvious splits in your hair, through which your scalp will be visible.
  • While blow drying your hair, instead of using it on lower heat setting, use high heat and dry your hair faster. The lesser time your hair are exposed to heat, the lesser damaged it gets. With curling irons or crimpers, use the least amount of heat and time you need to get the job done.
  • There is an abundance of shampoos for volume addition and conditioners out there to come to your rescue. While using conditioner, ensure you steer clear of you scalp area and apply it only to the ends.
These are just some ways to add volume to fine thin hair. The way in which you blow dry your hair, and the direction of the brush strokes can make a difference. Another suggestion is to use clip-in synthetic and human hair extensions, which are great because they add volume without causing any damage to the hair.

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