How to Shine Shoes

Upon being quizzed about what factor forms the basis of their judgment of another's appearance, one of the most common answers is 'the shoes'. A person's shoes can say quite a bit about them, and a pair of dusty shoes (at work or any other formal setting) does not reflect well on the wearer. I am an army brat, so I've spent many years watching (and sometimes helping) shoes being polished. The process, which may seem taxing to some, is actually part of my fond childhood memories, so I'm quite happy to shine a pair of shoes. To all the men out there, this skill is a good one to pick up, not only because it is easy to do, but also because there will always be a time when you need to do so, be it a wedding, graduation or another day at work. A pair of well polished shoes can set you apart as a man who is neat, thorough and cares for detail. Apart from making you look good, shining your shoes forms an important part of their upkeep. A pair of leather shoes or boots benefit from shinning as the polish helps moisturize and waterproof the leather, and consequently increase its life. If you want instructions on how to shine shoes properly, they follow below.

How to Shine Shoes to a Mirror Finish

  • Start by gathering all the supplies you need to shine your shoes. If you don't have any, make a list and head out to the drug/shoe store. You'll need a liquid or wax polish, and a brush meant for the purpose. The color of liquid and wax shoe polish you pick should be the same as your shoes. Wax shining takes a tad longer, but gives the shoes a much better finish and shine. From your home, you can find a soft cloth and box to store the other three.
  • Before you start, lay some sheets of newspaper on the surface you plan to work on, to protect it. If your shoes are covered with dust, wipe it clean, and then, brush off any dirt stuck to the shoe. Now spread the polish. Liquid shoe polish glides over the shoe, whereas wax polish needs to be spread using the puff that comes with it. Apply the polish in circular motions till the shoe looks cloudy.
  • When the polish dries, brush the shoe with quick side-to-side movements, using a large brush. Secure the shoes, and then buff it using a soft cloth in a brisk back and forth motion, until it shines. Do the same with the back of the shoe. As this won't work on the sides, just wipe it using a similar quick movement. Put away all your shoe shining supplies in the box for next time.
How to Spit Shine Shoes

This is the method they use in the army, but we are going to substitute spit with water. Here is how you get that famous glossy finish:
  • Like before, lay out sheets of newspaper and place your shoes on them. Remove the laces from the shoes, and knock off any dirt from the shoes using as shoe brush. Apply a layer of paste polish over the portion of the boots to be spit shined and let it dry for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Then wrap a soft, clean cloth around your index and middle finger, and dampen it with a little bit of water. Use circular motions to buff the dried polish, until the shoes begins to shine.
  • Over it apply a thin layer of polish in a circular motion, and keep on rubbing lightly until a dull shine develops to show, using the damp rag. Repeat the process once more. Once the boots are super glossy, use a clean dry soft cloth (some suggest a woman's knee-high nylon stocking) to give it a final buff.
If you follow these instructions on how to shine shoes, you're sure to get great results. Keep old T shirts at hand to use in the process, and if the leather has been neglected for quite a while, try using use rubbing alcohol instead of water.

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