Homemade Upholstery Cleaner

Cleaning upholstery at home is quite possible if you have prepared the right kind of solution offering a complete cleansing action. Generally a vacuum cleaner is employed for this purpose and is one of the most effective strategies to clean upholstery at home. This cleaner is usually prepared from materials that are readily available at your hand. Instead of purchasing bottles of cleaning solutions you can prepare a good quantity at home and use it whenever required.

Homemade Upholstery Cleaner Recipes

The following recipes will let you know how to make upholstery cleaner at home. However, before applying them on the furnishings of your house, some important guidelines need to be followed. This implies knowing the right combination to be applied over the upholstery. There are certain materials that are sensitive to chemicals and water. You can prepare a homemade car upholstery cleaner with common dish washing liquid. Make sure you dry the fabric upholstery properly so that it doesn't emit a soggy odor. So you must know whether you are applying the right cleanser on the particular set. The recipes are explained below.

Recipe 1
One of the most common upholstery cleaning agent is vinegar. Vinegar, when combined with alcohol, offers a more effective action for removing stains from any kind of furnishings. To make a vinegar wash, you have to combine 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 2/3rd cup of alcohol. Mix the ingredients properly and mop the stain with it. Rinse with cold water once the stains have been removed. This also acts like a carpet shampoo.

Recipe 2
A mixture of baking soda and cornstarch is a wonderful agent for removing blots and spots from upholstery. This is because these ingredients act as stain absorbers. You can make a paste like consistency by mixing equal amounts of baking soda and cornstarch and then add a little water to it. Apply the smooth paste all over the spots and leave it overnight. You will find the stain has lightened or it has almost disappeared.

Recipe 3
The best upholstery cleaner for sofas, cushion covers, leather covers and suede, is the mixture of the dish washing detergent in hot water. Prepare the solution by mixing cup of dish washing liquid to 2 cup of hot water. Dip a cloth or a sponge into the solution and wipe the dirt or the stain from the surface of the upholstery. You can also keep the fabrics inside this detergent based cleanser for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with cold water after the stain has been removed.

Recipe 4
Borax is a strong cleanser that is used to remove strong stains like ink, oil, etc. The cleansing action is further enhanced when combined with Kosher salt or cornmeal and distilled white vinegar. You will have to mix equal amount of borax powder with either cornmeal or Kosher salt. Add a few spoons of white vinegar to the powdery mixture. Spread the dry composition on the stain and it will soon be absorbed into it.

Recipe 5
Oxygen bleach is a good remedy for removing stubborn stains. Get a common oxy bleach from the market and combine with water. The standard measurement is, add 2 oz of oxy bleach to a half gallon of water. It's always advised to use warm water for the purpose of stain removal. The solution is then sprayed over the stains for quick action. Do not handle the solution with bare hands.

These were some of the options for making a homemade upholstery cleaner. I would suggest you to prepare the solution in a bulk quantity and store them in either spray bottles or air tight containers. Perform a patch test with the cleansers on the undersurface of the furnishings before actually applying on it.

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