Turquoise Meaning

Turquoise is one of the oldest used protection amulets. There are many healing properties attached to this stone as well. This stone has a mix of blue and green color and also has a sweet feminine feel to it. It also has darker shades of teal and add lively sophistication. This in-between color symbolizes water and hence it is also called aqua or aquamarine. Since it is a perfect blend of blue and green, it has the calming effect of both blue and green. The name turquoise comes from old French word pierre Turquoise, which means 'stone of Turkey'. It was from Turkey that the stone first arrived in Europe through the trade routes. Due to its origin around Turkey, it is closely associated with the Middle East and the American Southwest. Turquoise meaning in different cultures differs a lot, so does turquoise color meaning.

Meaning of Turquoise

Turquoise is said to the stone of wisdom and spiritual journeys. The corresponding astrological sign to that of turquoise is Sagittarius. It is said to belong to the 5th chakra, i.e. the throat chakra and vibrates well to numbers 4, 6 and 7. The common turquoise gemstone meanings are that of strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity, last but certainly not the least connection to the world of spirits.

In Persia, this stone is known as Ferozah and stands for victorious. In Asia, on the other hand, it is said to be a talisman which protects from the evil eye. For the Tibetan and Chinese turquoise means circle of life starting with birth to death. This can be attributed to the fact that when turquoise has not been treated, it often changes color. Hence, you will come across turquoise jewelry in the Tibetan and Chinese jewelry.

On the other hand, in the South-East Asia, turquoise is said to provide protection to horses and horsemen riding the horses. A ring made of silver and turquoise is traditionally given to brides in Russia as it is said to bring peace to the woman and good health as well as prosperity to the man. In Persia, turquoise was worn in the middle with pearls around it, because it was believed to focus the mind in prayer, and many times it was also used to wish upon.

Native Americans were of the opinion that turquoise would let the dead rest in peace and it was used to make carvings, usually of animals, which were then placed into graves and tombs. The reasoning used was that the color of the earth is green and blue is the color of the heavenly sky, the amalgamation of both the colors would attract good spirits. Some of the native Americans would attach turquoise stones to their bows, as they were of the opinion, that it aided them in shooting at their targets accurately.

The other meaning attached to it is of a truth stone and it symbolizes a time to be honest to oneself. A lot can be gained when the person becomes still and is able to see himself as he truly is. It is also said that the stone is a reminder to share your vision and also walk your talk, so that people are inspired from your words and actions and believe and follow you.

According to some beliefs, it is also a stone of self-realization, which helps understanding oneself better and also connects well with the ideas and emotions well. For people who believe in self realization it is said to align all the chakras and create a clear channel for nurturing and creating positive energy.

Turquoise is a person stone and does not remain aloof from its owner, hence it is known to forge a deep and distinct connection with the wearer. If you are wearing one, it is recommended, you take care of the stone. When turquoise comes in contact with bodily oils for an extended period of time, it turns green, hence the meaning of green turquoise is not different than that of a blue-green turquoise.

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