Remount Settings for Diamond Rings

Diamonds are said to be a woman's best friend. They are symbolic of eternal love and commitment and are gifted and presented in different jewelry forms, such as diamond necklaces, diamond earrings, pendants, bracelets and rings. Talking about diamonds can take - up a whole day and may be even more. So, without wasting anymore time, let's steer our journey towards diamond rings and their remounting.

Diamond Ring Settings and Designs

Diamond ring is an ultimate gift if you are planning to present it to your beloved. The various diamond cuts and shapes is the secret behind their popularity, as well as the price. Diamond cuts make it look more attractive and accessible. Some of Diamond cutting styles are asscher cut, brilliant cut, princess cut, step cut, rose cut etc. Each of these cuts have a unique beauty and speciality of their own.

There is one more thing that enhances the look of a diamond and that is the diamond's setting. The diamonds are set in a hard metal, that we all know but the way it is set can make a lot of difference to its admirers, which is you and me. Selecting correct diamond setting is as important as selecting the diamond itself. Diamond setting is like your style statement, it represents your (its user's) taste and personality. Setting does nothing but enhances the beauty of your diamond.

Remount Setting for Diamond Rings

If you have a diamond ring already, many choices in hand. Remounting the existing diamond ring is a great way to uphold the diamond, for a longer period of time and that too in a new style. Remounting the diamond ring can be done for various reasons. So, when is the right time to remount your existing diamond ring?

  • Stylize: When you want to get a new design for your old diamond wedding or engagement ring, by preserving the diamond and changing its mounting style.
  • Preservation: At times when you have an antique or vintage diamond ring that you want to clean up and help it get back its old charm, then remounting is a good option.
  • Merging: If you want to combine your old heirloom diamond ring with the new one, then in order to merge the rings remounting is may come in handy.
  • Repair: Repair is the most obvious reason for remounting the diamond ring. Old engagement, wedding and promise rings lose their charm over the years. Remounting these diamond rings rejuvenate them and secure their long life too.
Remount Setting Diamond Ring Designs

When you decide that it is the right time for your diamond ring to be remounted, the first thing you should do is the perfect design for the remounting. Diamond ring setting is also referred to as mounting of the diamond. Mounting attaches the diamond to the metal of the ring band. There are various diamond ring designs and almost all of them can be used in remounting a diamond ring. Following are the remount settings for diamond rings:
  • Invisible Setting: In this modern type of setting, diamond is held up in a metal cup which is attached to the ring band, without anything holding or covering the face of the diamond.
  • Prong Setting: This is the classic ring setting, in which the metal prongs hold the diamond from its base. Repairing is required mostly in the case of this kind of setting as the prongs wear out over the years.
  • Channel Setting: If one has to set multiple diamonds in a same ring, for example, combining a heirloom diamond with a new diamond or combining your engagement diamond with your wedding diamond etc. you can do it all, using this setting. Channel setting gives the diamonds a unique impeded look.
  • Bezel Setting: Bezel setting makes the diamond look large, as in this setting metal is wrapped around the diamond. This setting makes the metal to hold the diamond strongly.
There are many more fashionable diamond ring settings available, like flush setting and cluster setting, that you can choose from. You can even personalize the diamond ring and also enhance the look of your diamond ring by your own innovative diamond ring designs.

Diamond ring is appreciated anytime, but is presented to the loved ones only on very special occasion. This priceless gift becomes even more priceless if provided with proper TLC. I hope you liked my suggestions for remount setting of the diamond rings.

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