Exercises You Can Do at Home

Thanks to our cozy way of life with junk food, lack of exercise, and addiction for television and computers, we push ourselves towards an unhealthy lifestyle. Many times, we go on a diet because we have binged, and then we end up staying on that diet forever. That's a very sad way of living. For one thing, you can't enjoy food and never will, as the fear that eating that little bit extra may just make you gain extra pounds sets in. Because of this, avoiding food becomes a better option, and being on a diet becomes a normal way of life. Should we not change this convention? To go back to living a healthier life, we should work on our mindset. If we discipline ourselves, our body will follow. Take a look at these 10 exercises you can right from the comforts of your own home, that will provide you the gateway to an active standard of living.

Exercises to Lose Weight

Before you begin any workout, make sure to do short stretching exercises and techniques at an easy pace. So, what are some exercises you can perform at home? Here's your answer.

Step it Up: Place your right leg on the stepper, while transferring the weight on it and lift your left leg so that you can stand on it. The left leg will be there for balance. Slowly come back down and repeat this on the other leg. Do this exercise 3 sets of 10-15 reps on each leg. If you don't have a stepper at home, you can easily substitute this exercise with actual stairs. It's a great workout for your butt and leg muscles and you can burn up to 450-500 calories per hour, depending on your workout regime.

Light Weights: While watching television or listening to music, use light weights of 3 or 5 lbs for arm curls. Do 3-5 sets of 15 reps on each arm. You would've completed all your sets before your favorite show even ends.

Squats With Exercise Ball: Stand with your feet shoulder-length apart and keep the exercise ball between your lower back and the wall. With this support, bend your knees and squat down towards the floor, while keeping your knees and toes in the same line. Go as low as you can for the first few times and then increase the intensity. But make sure you don't go beyond 90. The exercise ball workout can be done for 1-3 sets of 10-15 reps in a day.

Workout Videos: If you hate the idea of getting ready and driving down to the gym everyday, get workout videos for beginners and follow the exercise routine from them. It's a great way to stay active from the comfort of your home.

Bicep Curl: You can do bicep curls with dumbbells or resistance bands. Grab both ends of the band, stand with your feet shoulder-length apart, and raise the band over your shoulder. Hold it for couple of seconds and bring your arm back to resting position. You can also bend sideways while doing this step, for much intensive workout. Do this exercise 3-5 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Exercises without Equipment

For any effective weight loss program to work, the preparation starts from our minds. There are different types of exercise and workout routines to do at home which are demonstrated below.

Dance, Dance: Dancing is one of the best exercises you can perform at home, without equipment. It's a great way to break a sweat, refreshes you once you're done, and helps you learn a new step every time. Get some dance workout videos or just tune into MTV, BET, or VH1 and just follow the music.

Yoga: Yoga, a meditative practice of physical and mental disciplines from India has become very popular across the world. If you want to learn how to do yoga from the comforts of your home, get a yoga for beginners video that demonstrates different postures like Pranayama and other asanas.

Punching in Air: One of the exercises is punching in the air for no reason. It makes a lot of sense when you add light weights to this workout. With or without weights, stand with feet shoulder-length apart and extend your right hand in front of you at a 90 angle. Don't lock your elbows, as it may make your arm muscles sore after the workout is finished. Do this exercise 3 sets of 15 reps on each hand.

Abs It Is: For standard abdominal exercises, lie flat on your back, feet hip-width apart, place hands behind your head, and rise up toward the ceiling from your shoulders. Exhale out when you are coming up and inhale when you are going back to resting position. To increase your workout level, between the sets raise parallel to the floor and then straight up toward the ceiling. Do this exercise 3 sets of 8 reps with your leg changing its position.

Lunges (Forward/Sideways): For an amazing gluteus maximus and hamstrings workout, basic forward and sideways lunges are perfect. Stand with your legs shoulder-length apart, hold the weights in each hand, bend the knees and lower back toward the floor, and take a step forward. Make sure you don't lock your knees at any time. Do this exercise 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps on each leg.

Regular exercise is important, but not to the point where it becomes agonizing. Try various combination of jump rope routines with your kid(s) or friend(s) for an awesome overall body workout. There is something that is very vital to understand: we need to exercise and follow a regime that gets the blood flowing from head to toe. If that is acquired in even 20 minutes, it will be enough; the above mentioned exercises illustrate just that. Always remember, by keeping the blood flowing, the heart healthy and pumping properly, and combining this with disciplined eating, you can relish all kinds of foods and yet maintain a perfect body. If you eat with regard, respect and love for your body, there will be no looking back for you ever.

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