Growing Out Short Hair

Growing out short hair can be a time-consuming process in case one is not aware of methods that help hair grow faster. Certain lifestyle modifications have been seen to be effective to increase growth of short hair. There are several factors that can help in getting healthy locks of hair, some of which are listed below:

  • Nutritious Diet
  • Head Massage
  • Use of Proper Hair Conditioners
  • Exercises
Dietary Changes
Having a well-balanced diet, rich in proteins and vitamins, along with the necessary hair care, is the key to grow long hair. Proteins are one of the vital nutrients essential for faster hair growth. People suffering from hair loss are often asked to include protein rich food in their diet. As hair is made up of protein, lack of this nutrient can slow down hair growth. So, eating high protein foods is recommended. They are mentioned below:
  • Green leafy vegetables such as legumes, spinach, broccoli and cauliflower
  • Eggs
  • Nuts, particularly almonds
  • Fish
  • Fruits, such as apples, bananas, and oranges
Eating the aforementioned foods in sufficient amounts everyday can boost hair growth. One can also take vitamin B supplements in a tablet form as instructed by the doctor to accelerate hair growth.

Avoid Certain Foods
To promote hair growth, it is essential to avoid certain foodstuffs such as alcohol, soft drinks, junk food, and coffee. Sufficient intake of water is crucial for proper hair growth. It is advised to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily for healthy hair growth.

Daily exercise is one of the best hair loss solutions, as it promotes natural hair growth. Simple techniques like yoga and meditation can also prevent premature hair loss and assist in increasing the length of short hair. Simply following a healthy diet, but ignoring exercise altogether, may not be an effective strategy for hair growth. Exercises play a key role to reduce stress, which is one of the main reasons behind hair loss. Following are the exercises that can enhance blood flow, especially to the scalp:
  • Aerobics
  • Jogging
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
A daily head massage for around 5-10 minutes is an easy way to restore normal hair growth. Massaging the scalp improves blood circulation, which is beneficial for hair follicles. This in turn, not only prevents hair loss but also helps the hair to grow faster. Properly done scalp massages can strengthen the hair root, thereby making the hair healthier and stronger.

Hair Conditioners
Using a mild shampoo to wash hair 2-3 times a week can help to maximize hair growth. In case you are using commercial shampoos, then make sure you buy one that suits your hair type. The usage of oil not only helps growing out short hair, but also acts as a natural remedy for hair loss. The following oil solutions have been very effective for hair loss prevention and can work wonders to get rid of hair problems:
  • Coconut oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Olive oil
  • Almond oil
One can also use herbal oils for improving hair growth as they provide miraculous effects on hair and also relief from dandruff. Herbal oils can transform dull and dry hair into shiny and lustrous hair.

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