Political Fundraising Letter

As any election nears the intensity of its campaign also increases. There is literal rat race among political parties to garner votes and the attention of public. Money is the basic necessity for all the luxuries of life and same is true for campaigning. Lots of money is required for campaigning, and moreover if you are participating in an election for the first time, fundraising assumes greater significance. A political fundraising letter is generally written by an electoral candidate to his friends and distant family members. It can also be written by party members on behalf of the candidate and sent to people of the concerned state. In this article, we have covered examples that you can use.


A template of any document covers the basic idea about the letter flow. It includes the details of how you should format the letter and how you should proceed with the content. Writing this kind of letter is difficult because, no matter how close the person is to you, it feels a little awkward to ask for funds. Keeping this aside, the use of words should be appropriate, and you should not sound desperate or too forcing to the reader.

(Candidate Name)
(Party Name)
(Party Address)

(Phone Number)
(Website Address/Email Address)



In the first paragraph, you should tell the reader about yourself and the kind of work you have done in the past to improve the society. Don't be too self praising and be down to earth with the use of words.

In the second paragraph, mention your objective of participation in the election, and also mention the location from where you are going to run election.

In the third paragraph, write how eager you are to win this election, and also the importance of campaigning for winning the election. Now, mention how important is monetary contribution from the letter addressee is to you.

In the fourth and concluding paragraph, write the details of where the money can be sent by the donor, and conclude saying you would not let go of the contribution from the donor waste.



(Candidate Name)


John Heifner,
XYZ party,
212, Sky Heights Avenue,
New Jersey.

(Website Address/Email Address)



Greetings. It gives me pleasure to inform you that I am contesting for the post of Mayor from your city. Social service has always been my domain of work, and serving people gives me incomparable satisfaction.

I have been actively involved with this party since the time I was a student and have seen the party grow from a small unit to a large successful organization.

I am very eager to win this election and subsequently in serving the people. As of now the plan is that the campaigning will start in the next month. The party requires some funds to boost its election campaign, and contribution in the funds from your part will make a huge difference to the whole campaign.

Even the smallest of your contribution is going to benefit the political campaigning of the party. You can directly send the contributions to the party headquarters, the address of which is mentioned above. If you wish to help the campaigning by sending money through some other mode, please refer to our website for the money transfer details.

I promise you that if the party is elected to power, it will help better the city, and we wouldn't let your contribution go waste. Thanking you in advance and expecting for the best.


(John Heifner)

While writing a political fundraising letter, make sure language is friendly and not threatening to the reader. If you want to mention some other details concerning the contribution in the letter, you can do so. Make sure all the details mentioned in the letter are correct.

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