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Home Dumbbell Workout
It is not always necessary to join a gym for a weight training workout. You can always workout at home with few weight training equipment like dumbbells. For home workouts with dumbbells, all you need to do is just buy a pair of dumbbells and perform the exercises in the correct manner. Dumbbell exercises have a number of health benefits like increased metabolism, reduced risk of developing bone problems, maintain normal blood pressure and blood sugar level and many more. If you are a novice at working out with dumbbells then you should buy light-weight dumbbells. With practice, you can buy heavy dumbbells. You can take help of a physical trainer to know what weight of dumbbells is suitable for you. So, here are some simple dumbbell workouts for you.
Home Dumbbell Exercises
Arm Curls: To perform this exercise, stand in an upright position or sit in a chair. Hold the dumbbells in each hand and rest your palms on your thighs. Your palms should be placed such that they face inwards. Now, bend your left elbow and fold your left hand so that the dumbbell touches the left shoulder. Slowly bring down the dumbbell and repeat the same with right hand. Do this exercise in alternative manner with controlled breathing. This dumbbell exercise targets the biceps and brachialis of your upper arm.
Overhead Press: You can sit in a straight chair or stand in an upright position with shoulder width distance between your feet. Now, hold a dumbbell in each hand and place them such that your elbows are towards your side and dumbbells rest on your shoulders. Now, breathe out and gently raise the dumbbells in upward direction. Raise the dumbbells in controlled motion without giving any jerk. Keep your back and your hands straight when you raise the dumbbells. Get back to the original position and rest the dumbbell on shoulders.
Dumbbell Lunges: You should use light weight dumbbells for this exercise, so that you can complete the exercise in comfortable manner. Hold the dumbbells in each hand and stand in an upright position with feet at a distance bit less than shoulder width apart. Place your arms hanging at your sides, with palms facing towards your thighs. Now, take a step forward with your left leg, keep your left foot flat on the floor. Bend the left leg until your left thigh becomes parallel to the floor. Bring a bend in the right knee and balance on your toes. Get back to the original position and repeat the exercise with right leg forward.
Chest Flyes: This dumbbell exercise will target your chest and shoulders. You can perform this exercise either on a bench or on the floor. Hold the dumbbells in both the hands and place your hands such that they point towards the ceiling. Keep your hands straight and do not bring bend in your elbows. In controlled manner bring down the dumbbells to make a right angle controlled arc. In this position your hands should be towards your sides and parallel to the floor. Now, get back to the original position and repeat the exercise.
Home Workouts Tips
Before performing the home dumbbell workout routine, there are quite a few things that you should keep in mind. Dumbbell exercises are safe when you perform them correctly. Any wrong step may cause injury or muscle sprain. You must perform some warm up exercises before you start with your dumbbell workout routine at home. Know the exact steps to perform the dumbbell exercise. You can consult a physical trainer or search videos on the Internet to know the steps to perform dumbbell exercises at home. Do not drop the dumbbells after finishing your at home dumbbell workout. Design a proper workout program and perform the exercises accordingly. Given below are some home dumbbell workouts.
So, these were some exercises for your home dumbbell workout. You can perform 12 repetitions of each of the exercise given above. Do one or two sets in the beginning and increase the number of sets and repetitions gradually.
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