Ab Circle Pro Reviews

People are always trying to find ways to get rid of those few extra pounds that they have stored up. This is especially in the cases of people that are just a little overweight or who have love handles. After trying out endless exercise programs just raise their hands in frustration in the end due to lack of results. This is where trendy exercise equipment like Ab Circle Pro come into the picture. The ab circle pro is one of the most well-known and advertised products on television. However, before we go onto the reviews, let us first try to see exactly how this product works.

How Does the Ab Circle Pro Work?
The Ab Circle Pro is supposed to be an abdominal fitness machine which a person can use to target the stomach muscles by rotating the upper body from side to side in a semi-circle manner. The person is supposed to climb on the machine, place the knees on special pads, hold on to a handle bar and start going from side to side. This specific position and the movement both are intended to target the abs, so that it is a rigorous workout in this region. Basically, according to many Ab Circle Pro customer reviews, the Ab Circle is supposed to give a person an abs workout and a cardio workout at the same time. It does so because of the position that a person takes with the hands and knees for support and the movement that is done from side to side in a gliding motion. The Ab Circle also comes with a workout DVD and a detailed nutritional guide. It claims that it will greatly help you to lose belly fat by the inches in a very short span of time.

Ab Circle Pro Ratings and Reviews
As is the case with most exercise equipment that claim a person can lose weight by the inches by simply doing a limited amount of workout for a short span of time, the Ab Circle Pro reviews are also mixed. There are many people that claim that this machine has done wonders and so, works great for them, however, one needs to understand that the whole affair of losing up to ten pounds in two weeks does not come easy nor does it only come by using Ab Circle Pro.

Many fitness experts believe that irrespective of whatever type of workout a person does, spot reduction is almost an impossible concept. Also, there are few Ab Circle Pro complaints that some users have reported, like the fact that the knee cushions are not very comfortable and may even be hurtful, so people that have had a knee surgery or who have weak knees should keep away from this product. Also, this machine is a bit fragile and so may even break if not used properly. Furthermore, there is a weight limit beyond which the machine may not be for the person. Some people said that they felt more strain on their arms rather than their abs. Lastly, if a person is very fit or very lean, then the machine may not be as effective in causing weight loss or in developing a six pack.

The biggest factor that is mentioned in negative reviews is related to the price and the so-called 'special trial offer'. On the website it says that the Ab Circle Pro can be ordered for a thirty day trial period for just USD 14.95. However, you also need to pay the shipping cost which comes to around USD 34.50 which is non-refundable. Furthermore, if you want to send it back before the trial offer ends, then you once again will need to pay for the shipping and handling, which in total, comes to around USD 70! If you decide to keep the machine, then you will have to pay five installments of USD 39.95 per installment. In short, the machine will actually cost you over USD 200!

In the end, despite whatever is said in all the reviews, it is only the user who can truly be the best judge and decide whether or not this machine will work for them. The fact is that if a person really wants the perfect six pack abs then he or she will need to work for it and this will not happen overnight. There is no shortcut when it comes to such exercises and a person not only needs to regularly workout but also needs to religiously follow an abs diet to actually get a fabulous set of six pack.

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