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Texting While Driving Statistics
In a poll carried out by Nationwide Insurance in 2008, 81% of the respondents admitted to have resorted to the use of cell phone while driving a vehicle in spite of being well-versed with various dangers of the same. Whilst going through the statistical data, you can't help but notice that the problem has reached epidemic proportions - with thousands of people either losing their lives or getting severely injured in accidents related to this practice. While the administrative authorities are trying their level best to curb this practice, people on the wheel seem to be least interested about following road safety etiquette.
Distractions While Driving - Texting
The distraction caused when you try to do two activities simultaneously spoils your chances of getting through both of them. One of the best example of this is the use of cell phones and driving, a dangerous practice responsible for a significant number of accidents. The fact that cell phones have become affordable over the period has contributed to the popular trend of owning one.
With the increase in use of cell phones, the person's craving for texting and talking on the phone has also increased. People can't seem to resist attending calls and replying to messages - not even while driving. When a person engages in cell phone use while driving, he tends to ignore road signs and fails to keep a watch on the road - both of which are perfect recipes for a disaster.
Texting While Driving Statistics
A study at the Virginia Tech Driving Institute revealed that those who resort to texting in course of driving are 23 times more likely to meet with an accident. According to the statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 5,870 people died and 515,000 people were injured in various car crashes in the United States in car crashes in 2008 alone. Around 28% of all crashes in 2008 were caused by drivers in the age group of 18 and 29, who admitted to texting while driving
A comparative study published in a leading car magazine in the United States revealed that the practice of texting when you are at the driving wheel is more dangerous than that of drunk driving (But of course, we don't recommend the latter). Studies reveal that a person who is texting while driving at the speed of 35 mph will cover 25 ft before bringing the car to complete halt, as compared to a distance of 4 ft which a drunk driver would cover at the same speed.
The popular belief, that the number of teenagers involved in this practice is more compared to adults, got a major blow when the statistics compiled by Pew Research Center in 2010 revealed that 47% of the adults resort to texting as compared to 34 percent of the teenagers. The same stats revealed that 75% of the adults resort to phone conversation while driving as compared to 52% of the teenagers.
Several states have come ordinances which outlaw the practice of texting while driving within their jurisdiction. One of the best example is the state of Georgia, wherein texting while on the driving wheel can earn you a fine of around $150 and/or result in a point on the drivers license. Constituting and implementing such rules and regulations can help in bringing down the number of texting related accidents by a significant extent. At the same time, the onus is on the parents to make sure that their wards make wise use of the vehicle and gadget given to them.
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