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Water's Message
"Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend", says Bruce Lee to his student in one of his successful movies. We are indeed 70% water. But why we are so related to water is a very good question, which allows different people to have different points of view. It could be that the whole world was created from water. Like it says in the Bible, at the very beginning the earth was all covered with water, and the Spirit of the Lord was hovering above waters. Only later on did God part the waters, and let the dry land appear. But it seems as if those waters actually contained the whole creation in them, and revealed it at God's command.
I find it also fascinating that water, that the sea and the ocean can have such a fascinating, soothing effect on us. When we are on a beach, watching the waves, we feel like we've just returned home. And also, if we like to swim, it has such a good effect on our body, on our health, on our mind. We feel extremely relaxed and in a great mood after we take a swim in the sea or the ocean. Not to mention the unbelievably beautiful creatures that the ocean conceals.
One particularly interesting perspective on water, its structure, its effects and especially the effect we, humans, can have on water belongs to Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher who authored a book called "The Message from Water" which contains the results and conclusions of his research from all over the world.
Emoto claims that water is trying to teach us something, namely to get a deeper view at our spiritual side. The quality of water highly affects the quality of our physical and spiritual life, both for us and for all the creatures on earth.
In his book, Mr. Emoto shows how we can affect the others and also water with our own thoughts and words, either in a positive, or in a negative way. He shows many pictures taken after some words or thoughts have been transmitted to water. Apparently, what alters is the molecular structure of water.
Mr. Emoto tries to give full-proof that human thought, ideas, words, his music can affect the molecular structure of water. And since our body contains that much percentage of water, namely the above-mentioned 70%, we can clearly change other people's mood with our own thoughts and "vibes". Indeed, feelings like anger, stress, envy can be quite catchy but so are joy, peace, affection. "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1.
According to Emoto, the same thing can happen to water. Our planet is still covered with plenty of water; it is the main source of life on earth. Therefore, its quality is very important for all life forms. We could compare the body with a sponge which is made of cells that are filled with liquids. Because of that, a good quality water means a good quality life. For instance, when we go hiking in the mountains and happen to drink water from mountain springs, it has a much fresher and energizing effect on us than any tap water in the world might have.
It's a known fact that snowflakes are each unique in their shape and even in structure. This is how Mr. Emoto got his theory and supporting evidence: by freezing water and taking photos of its structure. The results are very interesting.
He has studied many water structures from many different places in the world, and they show different crystals. The amazing mountain spring water displays an incredibly beautiful crystal structure and design.
Toxic water, or water containing polluting elements from over populated or industrial regions, water which stagnates in pipes and dams have very random crystalline structures.
As they saw water can have different reactions to different types of environment, Mr. Emoto wanted to check how words can impact on water. They did that by typing words on paper with a word processor. After that, they taped the papers on glass bottles and left them overnight. They did the same thing with names of deceased people. The photographs show different crystals, which supports Emoto's idea of water as being able to react to humans. For instance, words like "love" or "thank you" make water form symmetrical, splendid crystals, whereas words like "Hitler" give its molecular structure a very ugly shape.
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