Rowing Machine Technique

The rowing machine is one of the greatest exercise equipment that can be included in any machine workout routine. It's exactly as it sounds - like rowing a boat. Many might not realize that the rowing action in a boat is an activity that provides an all-body workout and is a great choice to make for physical fitness. A rowing machine will provide a workout that is almost as intense as that of rowing a boat. It is an excellent exercise to build core strength and the muscle groups of the arms and legs. It burns about 800 calories in an hour (!!) and does not put a strain on the joints. But to avail the benefits and the maximum out of this equipment, one needs to know the proper technique of how to use it effectively well. The following article will focus on exactly that.

Techniques for Beginners

Before getting to the exercises, it is important that you do some warm up exercises so that you can effectively carry forth the exercises without causing any injury. The following is the correct rowing machine technique that should be followed.

Before Beginning
Wear good quality sports shoes when using the machine and proper sports gear. Tie the leg straps properly to your feet. You can wear gloves if you feel the need to. Keep the setting on low, and increase it with the progression of the workouts. Do not tire yourself out quickly by doing otherwise. Remember, the main muscles to use are the hips and legs, so don't strain your back. Keep your elbows as close to the body as possible.

Starting Up
Sit comfortably and strap the legs firmly into the contraption. Hold the handles with an overhand grip and keep your elbows as close to the body as possible. Now extend your arms forward while keeping your wrists flat. Next, slide forward into the seat till you find that your shins are vertical. And finally lean forward at the hips. This completes the first phase.

Getting into Drive
Where you left off, begin by extending your legs and employing controlled pressure, push against the foot pads. Make sure that your core is tight, back is firm and arms are straight when you transfer the power to the handles. Wait for the knees to straighten and then slowly bend your arms and lean your upper torso back, while finishing with a backward lean.

Getting into Finish
At the backward lean, get into the next phase by bending your elbows and pulling the handle into your abdomen. Now, extend the bent legs and lean back at the hips.

Getting into Recovery Mode
Starting at the last position, begin by extending the arms and straightening the elbows and taking the handle back to the flywheel. Lean forward with your upper body at the hips and take it where the arms are. Now, very gingerly bend the knees and go forward into the starting position on the seat.

Catch Position
Extend your arms forward to the flywheel while keeping your wrists flat. Now go forward into the seat till your shins are vertical. Lean forward at the hips (very slight bend) and follow the techniques given above.

Even though rowing as a technique might seem very natural and simple to you, it is not. You need to know the basic rowing machine technique before you start handling the equipment, because exercises, if done wrongly, can lead to severe injury and you could end up hurting your lower back. So, learn the right technique before getting on a rowing machine and get ready for a great cardiovascular exercise.

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