Good Books on Frugal Living

Frugal living is a nothing but managing your money smartly. In our daily lives, we get lots of stress causing problems due to mismanagement of money. Making the right decisions and plans with your income, is the way to live frugally. Not everyone lives without debts, and manages to save money smartly. There are several books that can provide you with tips and ideas to live frugally. Some of these are listed below.

Must-Read Books on Frugal Living

Suddenly Frugal by Leah Ingram
- How to live happier and healthier for less. This book gives you ideas on how to shop in a better way, take a real vacation without breaking the bank, feed your family with healthy and affordable meals, give your house high-style design for low cost, and many more ideas to live well on a budget.

The Complete Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn
- promoting thrift as a viable alternative lifestyle. The Complete Tightwad Gazette covers hundreds of tips and topics for fabulous frugal living. Some of the topics that have been covered are: Picture-framing for pennies, Slashing your electric bill, avoid credit card debts, Saving on groceries, moving for less, Cutting the cost of college etc.

Half Price Living by Ellie Kay
- Secrets to living well on one income. This one gives step by step planning on how to downsize from two incomes to one. The author illustrates the plan to live as a happy family with one income, through real life stories, comprehensive charts, strategic living and tips. Some of the chapters written in this book are, Half the income, all the benefits: Seven steps to come home, The Wednesday factor: Half-price shopping to maximize savings, Taming the 800-pound gorilla: Ten steps to simplify home and hearth expenses etc.

The Complete Cheapskate by Mary Hunt
- How to get out of debt, stay out, and break free from money worries forever. This deals with principles that you must follow in order to save money and live debt-free. It will help you live out of financial stress and plan for a better future. Some of the topics that have been covered are, how to create and stick to a monthly spending plan, how to stretch every dollar to its absolute maximum, how to manage savings and investments etc.

America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money by Steve and Annette Economides
- Your guide to living better, spending less, and cashing in on your dreams. Steve Economides and Annette Economides, share their experiences and how they managed to feed their family with just $350 per month. They explained how they lived a comfortable and debt-free life. It contains some interesting topics that will help you live frugally. Some of the topics in this work are how to stop living paycheck to paycheck, and how to save in advance for major purchases such as homes, cars, and vacations, etc.

Frugal Living for Dummies by Deborah Taylor-Hough
- Practical ideas to help you spend less, save more, and live well. This explains the stressful situations that you come across every month to run your family and ways to survive it. Some of the chapters that have been covered are, looking good and feeling good on a tight budget, eliminating debt and setting up a budget, funding the frugal family, enjoying a frugal home and hearth etc.

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
A proven plan for financial fitness. The first chapter deals with the myths of debts and money. The author explained the process and principles of frugal living in a simple way, that anyone can understand. A few interesting chapters are, pay off the home mortgage, build wealth like crazy, the debt snowfall, live like no one else etc.

Other Good Books on This Subject

  • The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Living on a Budget by Jennifer Basye Sander
  • How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously by Jerrold Mundis
  • The Frugal Mind by Charlotte Gorman
  • Living Rich by Spending Smart by Gregory Karp
  • 20 & Counting! by Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar
  • 365 Ways To Live Cheap! by Trent Hamm
Do read the aforementioned works and try to apply the principles and tips given in them in your life. When you know how to make the best out of money and other resources, it would be easy to live frugally.

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