Writing. . .Playing God ?

I have always been fascinated with writing especially, the fictional type; writing stories, plays, novels. You, the writer, get to play GOD to all that happens in that little world that you create. A pen, a paper: that is all you need to create a new world! In that world, you have absolute control over everything, which you rarely have in real life. You actually live an alternate life when you create a character, and slowly see it taking a life of its own.

However, as you go on writing, you discover that although you think you have absolute control over everything that happens there, it is really not so. That is because what you write cannot be separated from what you are, what your experiences have made you. This real world influences your own world.

Your sense of justice, fairness, your prejudices are hard to change. So let us say, at least, we have an illusion of power over our little fictional worlds. As you write, you create characters and breathe life in to them, you face the same dilemma which a God may face, the idea of free will ! You can give a background, a characteristic psyche to each individual and you bring them together, then what may happen between them is what the characters decide! Every one of those characters is a voice in your own head a part of you and when you write a story, you bring all those characters on a stage to resolve a conflict within you. This makes it deliberate. So writing is really for me, a dialog with myself or rather the many faces of me.

As you write, you discover that there are many things in this world, which you just cannot put in words. Words are humbled sometimes. Also you discover that, how much ever beautiful world you create, the real one outclasses it in every sense and its created by a writer who outclasses you in an infinite degree.

Writing is, confronting yourself.

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