How to Build Your Own Laptop

Building your own laptop computer from scratch can give you immense pleasure, happiness and satisfaction combined with a lot of fun. Building your own laptop is an easy task compared to building a desktop computer, as most of the cables come pre-attached with the parts. Like cables, the motherboard is also pre-installed and pre-attached. How to build your own laptop kits give you the instructions which you need to follow precisely.

Tips to Build Your Own Laptop

The most important step for custom building your own laptop is finding a good retailer, who can provide you with the authentic material required to build your own laptop. You may have to research online to find a retailer. There are many retailers from whom you can procure the basic, also called 'bare-bone' laptop kit but make sure you get the kit from a well-known manufacturer. They usually have the motherboard, LCD panel, speakers, keyboard, connectivity ports and graphics processing unit installed. These laptop kits can be customized according to your need.

Before you decide to buy the components, you should consider a few factors, the most important one being the size of the laptop. The portability of the laptop is dependent on the size. You need to decide the features that you want to incorporate in your laptop. Give a thought to the number of ports that you would want. Remember you will not be able to upgrade your laptop as frerquently as your desktop. The life of a laptop battery is the next important factor. It is important that you check the 'standby period' the battery offers. The battery with a longer 'standby period' lasts longer. A large screen and high performance components tend to eat up into the 'standby period' of the battery. Similarly, the high performance components also add bulk to the laptop.

Steps to Build Your Own Laptop

Step 1: Open the compartment cover after flipping the 'bare-bone' laptop kit. The main compartment will now be visible to you, which comprises the CPU, PCI slot and the Memory, also called RAM. When you install the CPU, be careful to match the pins. If you have difficulty in aligning the pins, do not use force on them. You might end up damaging the processor.

Step 2:
With the CPU installed, now let's turn our attention to the Memory and PCI slot. Align the notches in the slot and memory module, so that the RAM can be installed properly. Very carefully install the Memory, followed by the PCI slot. You will have to push the PCI slot slowly and carefully, till the levers are fastened.

Step 3: Hard drive is the next component to be installed. The installation of the hard drive will vary from model to model. The hard drive will have to be installed in the hard drive tray. Take care that the pins are inserted properly.

Step 4: In the 'build your own laptop' procedure, installing the battery is an important step. There is a battery slot present, where you will have to slide in the memory. There should be a good contact between the battery and the CPU. Now you can turn on the machine.

Step 5: With all the hardware in place, we can now install the BIOS and the Operating System (OS). As soon as the system starts, you will have to press the Del key. Then the BIOS setup will be seen. The boot sequence will have to be set up here. The first boot sequence should be the CD-ROM boot. This will enable the Operating System CD to boot. After making the changes, save them and quit the BIOS setup. The laptop will restart on its own and OS installation will start. Follow the step-by-step setup instructions on the screen.

Step 6: Once the OS has been installed, you can install the drivers for the various components.

Always refer to the 'bare-bone' manufacturer's website for any issues on installation. It will be of immense help in the entire installation process. With the 'how to build your own laptop' steps, you will become a pro at building your own laptop. Now just get a laptop bag to flaunt your creation around.

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