Negotiating Credit Card Interest Rates

The functioning of credit cards and credit card companies have come under the spotlight as a consequence of the recent economic recession and also the Credit Card Reform Act of 2009. The credit card industry is currently undergoing change, and one can easily initiate the procedure of negotiating. But, whenever you contact a credit card company, your communication to the customer service cell or the credit card holders service department should sound legitimate, and well thought about. I have personally seen the communication and negotiation for a low-interest credit card, go unheeded because it was not well thought of, or was illegitimate. There are several successful ways reduce credit card debt, but you need two weapons while negotiating with credit card companies, your research and your thoughts.

Reading the Offer and Fine Print

In order to find about the different ways cut credit card debt, you first need to understand some important facts about the credit card plan that you are currently having. For this you will require the credit card offer and the agreement that was offered to you by the company. You may also require a credit card processing bill.

In order to negotiate credit card debt, make a summary of all the service charges and membership fees that are levied upon by the company. You may come across some facility of the credit card that you may never be using, but are paying for. In such a situation, make a summary of such items. The next thing that you might want to check you is what is known as the APR. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is an interest rate which is the key component of the cost of credit that you pay to the credit card company. This rate is often a topic of debate because in most of the credit cards, this rate of interest is a variable component of the total charges that are levied by the companies. There are three principal ways in which the APR may differ. First it may depend upon the amount of total expenditure that you make. Second it may also depend upon a considerable of economic conditions and also indexes. Third it may also depend upon the nature of your expenditures. Make a note of unnecessary and irrelevant APRs that have been levied upon you by the company.

Communicating with Credit Card Companies

A very important fact that you will have to consider while communicating with company is the payment history. The payment history must be good and reasonable. Make sure that you have some or the other timely payments to your credit.

While negotiation credit card interest rates with the company, you can begin with the elimination of unnecessary and irrelevant fees. Such fees are always revoked quite easily by the companies in cases if you have been a good customer with nice timely payments. The second aspect that you can discuss is that of the APR, which is quite a difficult task. The unwanted APR or the APR that is used for some specified transactions that you never undertake can be canceled. You may also suggest an APR that is low and fixed, like the ones that are found on low-interest business credit cards. Such APRs are beneficial for those companies in maximum cases. In case if you are not exploiting your credit limit, you may suggest a lowered credit limit and a deletion of certain APR.

Remember this is a negotiation, make the company an offer that it cannot refuse. One of the best approaches in negotiating credit card interest rates can be to put in a subtle hint that you have a better credit card offer at hand. At the same time be logical and show a willingness towards compromise.

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