Most Fattening Foods

Before discussing the topic of most fattening foods, it is necessary to understand that not all eatables should be avoided completely. Some of the foods lead to a healthy body if consumed in moderation; this is because our body, just like other nutrients, also needs fats for lubrication and thereby smooth functioning of the system. However, there are few food items like soda-based drinks which can be completely avoided. They serve no health benefits and contain empty calories which give a temporary high. The list presented below should help in identifying the foods that increase fats levels and are harmful for the health.

Foods that Can Make You Fat

Here is a list of most fattening foods which can help in identifying which foods need to be controlled in our daily diet.

Ice Cream: The ice creams are known to contain greatest amounts of fats. Fat content in ice cream should make us think twice about consuming this food. Around 250-350 calories are provided by a single ice cream scoop. The additional ingredients including nuts, fudge, whipped cream, etc. raise the level to more than 1000 calories. Ice cream are, therefore, the most fattening food ever.

Chocolates: It is one of the energy dense foods which leads to increase in fat levels of the body. Chocolates are known to contain 2,200kJ per 100gm which is much higher for the weight (of chocolate in comparison to other foods). Eating chocolate regularly can lead to weight gain and in turn, obesity.

Cheese: It is amongst the fattening foods in America due to inclusion of cheese-based fast foods like burger and pizza in the diet. This fattening food is very hard to digest. Cheese also sticks to the walls of intestines and results into health problems like bloating; fat storage in the body also rises with increase in consumption of cheese.

Beer: If one is aware of the term 'beer belly', he/she must also have an idea about how this drink affects fat levels in the body. This drink has a high content of sugars. Drinking beer often should therefore, increase level of fats in the body. It is not a wonder that people who are habitual to beer consumption develop a beer belly.

Mayonnaise Salads: The consumption of mayonnaise can raise fat levels in the body considerably. Mayonnaise is made from ingredients such as egg whites, oil and other fats. This food is more fat inducing than most of the other foods discussed in this list. It is quite surprising that majority of people don't even consider mayonnaise as a food with high fat content.

Fried Foods: The foods like French fries are known to have high amount of fats. The basic ingredient used in preparation of French fries is potatoes. Potatoes are responsible for increase in fat content. On top of that, these fatty foods are loaded with oil which makes them the worst food item in case one is concerned about reducing body fat. There are many other fried foods like fries which have the same ingredients. One should therefore, be careful in deciding the inclusion of fried foods in the diet.

Cream-based Soups: The cream-based soups contain high amount of fats. It is a general perception that soups are healthy and nutritious foods. The inclusion of salads in soups definitely makes them healthy foods. However, those with cream are fattening and unhealthy.

Soda: The drinks with soda contain high amount of sugar and are therefore, responsible for increase in body fat levels. Beverages with soda not only lead to fat storage, but also provide a temporary high in terms of energy. The empty calories of soda drinks are of no use to the body.

Foods discussed in this article are responsible for increase in fat content. The most fattening foods discussed need to be consumed in a controlled manner. As stated earlier, fats are necessary for the proper functioning of the body systems. However, over consumption can lead to problems like obesity and related health ailments.

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