Calories in Onions

Onions have been cultivated for over five thousand years, and are native to Asia, and were particularly highly regarded by the Egyptians. Traditionally, onions were not only used for cuisine, but also for medicinal purposes in India. It was the perfect food for the poor man, who spiced it up with a variety of herbs, to enhance its pungent flavors. Now, onions have become an indispensable part of our diet. Fortunately, the calories in onions are very few, and in fact, it provides a variety of health benefits when eaten right.

Nutrition Facts

Take a look at this table, that gives you not only the calories in onion, but the entire nutritional value of onions, of different sizes. It also provides details about the calories in onions, in a cup of chopped, as well as sliced onions. Not only are calories in onion very low, its nutritional value includes good amounts of a trace mineral called chromium, vitamin C, and dietary fiber.

Onion Size Calories Water Carbohydrates Dietary Fiber Fats Proteins Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin C Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Manganese
I Small (70 g) 28 62.4 g 6.5 g 1.2 g 0.1 g 0.8 g 0.1 mg 13.3 mcg 5.2 mg 16.1 mg 7.0 mg 20.3 mg 102 mg 0.1 mg
1 Medium (110 g) 44 98.0 g 10.3 g 1.9 g 0.1 g 1.2 g 0.1 mg 20.9 mcg 8.1 mg 25.3 mg 11.0 mg 31.9 mg 161 mg 0.1 mg
1 Large (150 g) 60 134 g 14.0 g 2.6 g 0.2 g 1.6 g 0.2 mg 28.5 mcg 11.1 mg 34.5 mg 15.0 mg 43.5 mg 219 mg 0.2 mg
1 cup, chopped (160 g) 64 143 g 14.9 mg 2.7 g 0.2 g 1.8 g 0.2 mg 30.4 mcg 11.8 mg36.8 mg 16.0 mg 46.4 mg 234 mg 0.2 mg
1 cup, sliced (115 g) 46 102 g 10.7 g2.0 g 0.1 g 1.3 g 0.1 mg 21.8 mcg 8.5 mg 26.5 mg 11.5 mg 33.3 mg 168 mg 0.1 mg

Health Benefits

With several nutrients present in large amounts in onions, it is bound to have a number of health benefits. Take a look at the various health benefits that you can attain upon consuming them on a regular basis.
  • Stabilize Blood Sugar: Onions have the effect of lowering glucose levels in the body, by increasing the amount of free insulin. It also contains trace minerals such as chromium, that increase the tolerance to glucose, and lowers insulin levels.
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health: Onions have the capacity to lower LDL or bad cholesterol levels, along with triglycerides, and increase HDL or good cholesterol. This means they are responsible for reducing the risk of developing heart diseases.
  • Maintains Digestive Health: The effects of onion on digestive health are several. Its richness in dietary fiber makes it a great aid to the digestion process. Also, studies have shown that those who consume onions on a regular basis are at a lower risk of developing colon cancer, due to its antioxidants that help control the growth of tumors and cancerous cells.
  • Prevents Cancer Development: Not only do onions protect you from developing colon cancer, but they also reduce the risk of developing esophageal cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer.
  • Maintains Bone Health: In a recently conducted study, it has been found that onions have the capacity to boost bone health, especially among women who may be suffering from osteoporosis due to menopause. So, along with milk, even onions have the capacity to keep the bones strong.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: With anti-inflammatory properties, onions help reduce the swelling caused due to rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammations that may be caused due to asthma. It also contains anti-bacterial compounds, that make it a perfect defense against common cold and flu.
Eating onions in the right manner is important if you want to keep its calories under control, and take advantage of its health benefits. That means, no fried onion rings, or fried onions in any other recipe. You can, in fact, try making a French onion soup, or add it to a delicious salad, spiced up with other ingredients to enhance its flavors, or use it to prepare a low-calorie dip, along with tomatoes and jalapenos. You can actually enjoy this yummy vegetable in a variety of manners, without having to worry about the calories in onions. Enjoy!

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