LL Cool J Workout

He calls himself LL Cool J which stands for Ladies Love Cool James, and truly deserves that name. If you want to know why, pick up a copy of his book, LL Cool J Workout, from the nearest bookstore! He has some great workout plans mentioned in it, to help you get a chiseled body like his. Mainly for men, LL Cool J, has four different workout programs accompanied with meal plans and some tips to carry out these workouts. The LL Cool J workout helps you build strength and muscle over weeks of working out and the book has a very straightforward approach to getting your body in shape. To give you a summary, this workout is divided into four phases of exercise, which graduate from the beginner level, Bronze workout and lead to the more experienced levels of Silver, Gold and Platinum workout. Mentioned below is some basic information about the workout routine, so read on to find out.

Workout and Diet

Like any other workout, this workout too follows a pattern and routine which has a set of exercises, and a diet to go with it and is advised for a particular duration of time. Since the first thing you have to think about is your healthy diet, this workout gives you a healthy meal plan. You have to stop eating junk food if you want to work your way through a hard workout routine to get those cut abs. Drinking lots of water is also a necessity for this workout as your perspiration rate will be very high. Once you have followed these tips given by him, all you have to do is go through the workout exercises. To know more about the four phases of the workout plan, take a look at the following paragraphs.

Bronze Workout
This is the "beginner phase" which lasts for 4 weeks and during the first one, your body is prepared for the rigorous workout routine which will follow in the next level. The first week you can exercise by doing basic housework, and you eat more frequent meals to prepare your body for exercise. Your meals should include foods like oatmeal, omelets, fish, wraps, salads, fruits and vegetables, (strictly no junk). In the next 2 weeks you have circuit workouts thrice with exercises like leg press, rows, chest press, etc. that target your entire body. The fourth week of this phase sees a change in them with a little bit of cardiovascular exercises which is continued.

Silver and Gold Workout
In the fifth week, your exercises change to free weights along with a split routine for working on the chest, arms, back and shoulders for two days straight. Concentrate on legs and abs on the other days along with 15-20 minutes of cardio after each workout. Then when you enter the sixth week till the ninth, you have to engage in more sets and free weight exercises like the barbell exercises, push ups and dips and incline presses. You can have a low calorie diet and low carb foods with an increase in protein for fat loss, in your Silver phase. This is the "strength phase", after which you enter the Gold Workout. From the weeks 10 to 15, increase exercise to tougher cardio workouts with speed and alternate push ups and skipping. From weeks 16 to 19, go to a faster level of cardio.

Platinum Workout
The LL Cool J Platinum Workout is the hardest phase in the entire workout. If you have reached this phase, there are only 3 more weeks left. You have to include an incline chest press, resisted incline push ups and 90 seconds of jumping rope, for one workout. You repeat this after a minute and then practice the next circuit which includes bench press routines, incline flies and a 2-minute treadmill sprint. Once these circuits are over, you have to do the last one which is three times of barbell curls, dumbbell curls, preacher curls and sprints. You can have a lower body as well as cardio workouts throughout these 3 weeks of the Platinum phase. During the Gold and Platinum phase, your diet should include low calories but don't exclude them. If you follow these four programs honestly, you will have a good set of cut 6 packs on you right away!

With this ultimate workout which gives you a healthy diet as well as strong workout, you can surely have a great body to flaunt, ask LL Cool J!

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