How to Clean Leather Purse

Leather items are always highly valued for their elegant and fashionable look but it can be difficult to take care of them as mold and mildews can easily develop on your leather purse, especially if it is stored in a damp place. It is an expensive material that needs to be cleaned with lots of care. Use of inappropriate cleaners and methods can damage the color and appearance of your beautiful leather purse.

Removing Stains from Leather Purse

For proper cleaning, especially for really expensive leather items, it is always better to follow the instructions given by the manufacturer, regarding cleaning and use of different cleaning products. However, you can usually use a very mild soap or liquid soap to clean safely. For cleaning with soap, first of all you have to make a soapy solution, by adding a small portion of the soap to one or two cups of water. If you are going to use liquid soap, then just add a few drops of it to the water and mix it properly.

Now, empty the contents of your purse and open it wide. Clean the interior of the purse with a piece of soft and dry cloth. Then take a soft sponge or rag and dip it into the soapy solution and wring it. Do not use a wet cloth on leather goods and never rinse them with water. It would simply damage the item. Use only a damp cloth to clean or wipe leather items. After wiping, use a soft and dry cotton cloth or towel to dry the purse. Never forget to apply leather conditioner and buff the purse, once it has dried completely. It would restore the original shine to the leather purse. You can also use commercial leather cleaner, as recommended by the manufacturer of the product, or just dry clean your purse, if the manufacturer permits.

Your leather purse can sometimes get some really tough stains like, inks, grease or blood stain. Removing such stains can be a bit difficult. If the item is very expensive, then it is recommended to take professional help. If you do not want to go to a professional and your purse is not very expensive, then you can try rubbing alcohol and some readily available products like, hairspray that contains alcohol. Hairspray can be very effective for ink stain removal. Otherwise, you can use rubbing alcohol for removing ink stains. Just dip a piece of soft cloth or cotton swab in rubbing or isopropyl alcohol, and gently rub the ink stain with it. Then gently wipe the area with a dry piece of cloth.

Rubbing alcohol can also be used to remove mildew stain. Just mix equal parts of rubbing alcohol and water and dip a piece of cloth in it. Wring the cloth and use it to wipe the stained area, after which dry it completely. For grease stains, first remove the grease with a cloth, and sprinkle some cornstarch on it. Let the cornstarch sit for a few hours, after which use a dry cloth to wipe it off. For removing blood stains, first blot the stain completely and then use a damp cloth to wipe the area. After drying the area, use a leather conditioner. If the stain is still there, then consult a professional. Also keep in mind that excessive use of alcohol, and alcohol based products like hairspray for leather cleaning can damage the goods. So, always try the cleaning product in an inconspicuous part of the leather item, before applying it for cleaning the item. This would help to prevent any major damage.

Leather items should never be stored in a damp place. If stored in a damp place, it can become prone to get mold and mildew. So, store the items only in the storage bag they came with, which will help to keep the item clean. Also do not expose any leather items to direct sunlight and excessive moisture, and never use baby wipes and any product that contain waxes and silicone on them. Never forget to follow the instructions given by the manufacturer of the product regarding cleaning and maintenance, or consult a professional leather cleaner for any doubt in all these regards.

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