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How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts, Symbols and Hotkeys
Computers are an indispensable part of our daily lives. Whether it is at home or at work, we simply can't imagine functioning without a computer. Managing time by using a computer as effectively as possible is one of the best ways we can save time and get more work done. Using keyboard shortcuts is a great way to get your work done quickly and efficiently. This article will give you a list of keyboard shortcuts that will make using a computer not only easier, but even more fun than it already is.
*In the article, the symbol '+' has been used. It means that you have to use the two or three keys together and not the + operator itself. For example: To save a file, press 'Ctrl' and 'S' keys together.
Shortcuts for Browsers
Computer Keyboard Symbols and Shortcuts
Functions Related to Files
- Ctrl + S = To save a file
- Ctrl + N = To create a new document
- Ctrl + O = To open an existing file
- Ctrl + P = To print a file or folder
- Ctrl + W = To close an open file or folder
- Ctrl + J = To justify a paragraph
- Ctrl + L = To left align a paragraph
- Ctrl + R = To right align a paragraph
- Ctrl + E = To center align a paragraph
- Ctrl + 1 = For single line spacing
- Ctrl + 2 = For double line spacing
- Ctrl + 5 = For 1 line spacing
- Ctrl + B = For bold
- Ctrl + I = For Italic
- Ctrl + U = To underline
- Ctrl + Home = To reach the top of the document
- Ctrl + End = To reach the bottom of the document
- Ctrl + A = To select all
- Ctrl + X = To cut
- Ctrl + C = To copy
- Ctrl + V = To paste
- Ctrl + F = To find
- Ctrl + H = To find and release
- Ctrl + Z = To undo
- Ctrl + Y = To redo
- Alt + 0176 = Degrees
- Alt + 0162 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0188 = For the fraction
- Alt + 0189 = For the fraction
- Alt + 0190 = For the fraction
- Alt + 0163 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0169 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0174 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0165 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0177 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0247 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0166 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0149 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0134 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0227 = For the symbol
- Alt + 0151 = For the symbol -
- Alt + 0150 = For the symbol -
More PC Keyboard Shortcuts
- Windows Key + E = Opens Windows Explorer
- Windows Key + F = Finds files and folders
- Windows Key + R = The Run command is brought up
- Windows Key + Pause/Break = Will take you to the systems profile
- Windows Key + D = Helps you toggle between the desktop and the other thing you are working on
- Ctrl + Page Down or Ctrl + Tab = To switch between tabs from left to right on a web page
- Ctrl + Page Up or Ctrl + Shift + Tab = To switch between tabs from right to left on a web page
- F1 = For help
- F7 = To check the spelling
- Shift + F7 = To go to the thesaurus
- F12 = To save as....
- Alt + F4 = To exit the program
- Ctrl + Alt + Del = To break out of a lockup and open task manager
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