Home Gym Workout Plan

There are many people around the world, who are quite concerned about their health and enthusiastic about exercises. However, due to busy schedule and stressful routines, these people cannot find time to go to the gymnasiums and perform regular exercises. The probable, rather, the best solution to this problem is that of having a home gym. A home gym is convenient as well as saves a lot of time spent in going to the gymnasiums and coming back home.

Home gyms are nowadays a common sight in many households. But very few people can practice a proper workout plan in a home gym. This is because unlike gymnasiums, here, there are no trainers nor there is any proper workout plan. In such cases, either the person stops exercising or does it without any proper technique or plan. He remains clueless about why he is doing it or what he is doing? Whether weight loss or weight gain, this article tries to provide you with a good home gym workout plan, prepared for all those people who are confused with what exercises to perform while exercising at home. Read on...

Workout Plan for a Home Gym

Actually, the type and the number of exercises you can do at your home, depends upon the exercising equipment that you have. It is possible for a billionaire to have a full-fledged home gym with all the modern equipment and machines along with a good physical trainer. However, this would not be the case with common people like you and me. For us space and budget also are important constraints that need to be thought of before buying machines for our home gym. The fact is that though you do not have a variety of machinery, you can still perform your workouts and build your body. Let us find out how..

Warm Up Activities: Now, the most important part of all the exercise programs is to properly perform the warm up activities. Warm up activities are important as your body gets in motion and gathers enough energy to complete the workout. Cycling on the cycling machine, jumping rope, basic physical training exercises are some of the best options of warming up and form the first step in your plan.

Push Ups and Pull Ups: These two exercises should form an important part of your exercise. For push ups you will require enough space in your room for performing this exercise and for pull ups you need to have a bar installed somewhere in the corner of your room.

Free Weight Exercises: As a home gym, it is likely that you have free weights, dumbbells and barbells for your exercise. You can start your workout with these instruments. You can follow the plan mentioned below for your free weight exercises.

  • Monday- 2 sets each with 10-12 repetitions of bicep curls, bicep concentration, preacher curls, triceps presses and triceps dips.
  • Tuesday- 2 sets each with 10-12 repetitions of bench press and incline dumbbell flies.
  • Wednesday- 2 sets each with 10-12 repetitions of back exercises such as deadlifts, 1 arm dumbbell rows, bent barbell rows and barbell shrugs.
  • Thursday- 2 sets each with 10-12 repetitions of shoulder exercises such as seated dumbbell press, front lateral raises,
  • Friday- 2 sets each with 10-12 repetitions of leg exercises such as hack squats, dumbbell squats and calf raises.
  • Saturday- 4 sets each with 10-12 repetitions of forearm exercises such as hammer curls and exercises of the part you are interested to train the most. You can even opt for yoga or aerobic exercises on Saturday.
  • Can do exercises independently and there is no one to disturb. Unlike in gymnasiums where there might be people waiting for their turn after you to complete the exercise.
  • Convenience of time. You can do the exercises any time of the day.
  • Can concentrate more on the muscle group you wish to develop the most.
  • Absence of physical trainer to guide you might lead to injuries while lifting heavy weights and cause some serious muscle pain.
  • Irregularity and inconsistency might occur as there is no one to keep tabs on your exercise and to monitor it.
So folks, hopefully you must have got an idea of your home gym workout plan. Before concluding, I'll advise you to meet a physical trainer, discuss your lifestyle and physical limitations with him and get a more accurate workout for yourself.

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