Hair Coloring Ideas for Gray Hair

Gray hair is a common problem that is being faced by the young, the middle-aged as well as the old. The growing concern regarding gray hair has forced many men and women to take to various gray hair camouflage measures, one of which is hair coloring. Coloring gray hair is one of the best solutions and is easy too. The hair color also tends to last longer and gives better results as compared to dyes and henna coloring. However, while choosing a hair color from various hair color ideas for gray hair, there are few things that you will need to consider.

Simple Hair Coloring Ideas for Gray Hair

When it comes to hair coloring, there is a wide variety of hair coloring shades and colors that you can choose from. It is advisable that you seek some professional advice before you finalize the hair color for your gray hair. While choosing your hair color, you must take into consideration your skin tone, you natural hair color and even the color of your eyes. This is important so that the hair color complements you well and is in sync with the tones of your skin and eyes. Here are some hair coloring ideas based on the different types of skin tones and hair lengths.

Black Women
Hair color ideas for African-American women would include hair colors and shades like red, burgundy, copper and even gold for some women. You can also opt to have highlights of two shades of the same color for a better effect.

Fair Skin
Any dark hair color like purple, red, gold, bronze, black, honey blonde and dark brown will complement fair skin. Make sure that the hair color provides good gray hair coverage for you hair. If you are the daring kinds, then you can even go in for hair colors like green and pink.

Olive Skin
People with olive skin tones can experiment with dark as well as light hair color shades, depending upon their skin tone. Those with a deep olive skin tone can opt for colors like dark brown or dark blonde and those with light olive skin tones can opt for shades like burgundy, as brown or blue black. There are certain colors that can totally ruin the look of your hair so be very careful while selecting your hair color.

Blondes looking to color their hair for gray hair coverage can choose to go in for a completely new look by opting for a brunette look or making use of some dark blonde hair coloring ideas. Hair colors like dark or medium brown, black and red are some of the best hair color ideas for blondes. Other colors include shades of gold and copper.

For brunettes, shades of brown like coffee or chestnut and blonde are the best hair color options that complement their skin tone and natural hair color well. Burgundy or wine may also be suitable for some brunettes.

Long Hair
Coloring long hair is best done with the help of highlights and streaks so that it does not appear overdone. Choose your hair color based on the shades that complement your skin tone and haircut. Avoid using more than two shades of a particular color or else it may appear messy.

Short Hair
Short haircuts look the best in shades of gold, bronze or red and gray hair coverage is done easily on short hair. Try experimenting with different shades like mocha brown, honey blonde or wine.

Dark Hair Color
Dark hair can be difficult to color, especially if it also has a few strands of gray hair. Try sticking to the natural color of the hair or one tone lighter to the natural hair color and make use of some highlighting ideas for dark hair. It is best to assign the task of gray hair coverage for dark hair to a professional.

Hair coloring for gray coverage needs to be done at intervals depending upon the types of hair color that you opt for. You can also easily color your hair at home and you do not need to rush to the salon every time you need gray hair coverage.

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