Funny Birthday Card Messages

Your birthday is the most important day in your life. It's the day on which you came into existence; the day you were born! On your birthday, take the opportunity to cherish old memories and also plan the year ahead. Birthdays are about celebrating the beginning of a brand new year in your life! Birthday cards have always been a popular accompaniment to birthday gifts. A gift, nicely wrapped, a birthday cake, candles, decorations, flowers... sounds kind of incomplete? Yeah, we forgot the birthday card! A beautiful greeting card that says something sweet to the person whose birthday it is, is an essential of a birthday! While some prefer writing something sentimental, some like going the fun way. While some write long birthday poems in cards, some prefer funny one-liners that make you laugh. Some birthday card messages are of the type that touch you heart, while some are of the type that tickle your funny bone.

Did you say you are attending a birthday party tonight? Have you thought of that essential little accompaniment to the birthday present - a birthday card? Here we give a collection of some. You have come to the right place if you were planning to write something funny in the card - a funny birthday wish! What to write in a birthday card, depends on whose birthday it is. If it's a birthday of one of your friends or relatives, you can choose a sentimental message recalling the past you shared and wish him health and happiness. But if you have a funny bone and you know he has it too, write a funny birthday message; he'll like it. You will like to choose one of these fun-themed birthday cards or go straight to the section of funny birthday sayings and messages.

Funny Birthday Cards (Click on the Thumbnail to Preview)

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Funny Birthday Card Messages and Sayings

Did your cake cost you less than the candles? Then you are definitely old!

The nation's best kept secret is... Your true age!

Do you know what happened when my horse tried to tap out your age? It got its leg fractured...!

There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents and only one for birthday presents, you know. - Lewis Carroll

You are as old as you can act.

I expect you to know older people are revered and respected in some cultures, so have a fantastic birthday, oh great one!

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. - Chili Davis

Here's the secret to look younger: Dress like a teenager with baggy, oversize clothes they will hide your baggy, oversize body.

Many happy returns of the day. I don't think you are getting older; you are rather approaching death. (Choose this if you would like to add an element of black humor to your birthday message.)

Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

U can count on me to not send you one of those rude and insulting cards about getting another year older because I know how sensitive old people can be about their age.

You are growing old, but I know there is a younger person within you, who wonders... What the hell happened?

You are not old if you can read this without using a magnifying glass or even your spectacles! (Write this message in very small letters)

Be thankful your birthday comes just once a year... Think how old you would be if it came every month.

My golden words for your birthday..."Smile while you still have teeth!"

Don't worry about your future, I am sure you will have a bright one, don't worry about the past, you can't change it, don't worry about the present, I have not got one for you!

This was a list of some witty and funny birthday card messages. In the cards' section given above, we had used some of these messages to give you a feel of how a birthday card with that funny message would look. You can make your own birthday cards and write in them, one of these funny messages. You might like to take help of some of the funny birthday quotes. Funny messages add humor to birthday cards, but what lies at their heart is a sincere wish. The true purpose of a birthday card is to make someone feel special, on that very special day in his life, his birthday!

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