Must Read Books of All Time

Must read books
Books to me are a getaway to someplace far from the bleak and ordinary, filled with imagination, fantasy, intriguing tales, men with ripped revealing abs and damsels in distress. My favorite genres have always circled around horror and mystery; there's always something brewing and it keeps you hooked from cover to cover.

Instead of always picking up that magazine and flipping through fashion and gadget info, read a book instead and subject your mind to get involved, not to mention help awaken an imagination that's waiting to come to the fore. Here you'll find a list on the must read books of all time worth curling up to with a cup of Joe, as well as books that will have kids reading well past midnight, under the sheets, the pages illuminated by torchlight.

Back in school I was so obsessed with reading (not like it has simmered down), I'd prop it up against my textbook and pretend like I was studying. Being an avid reader, I encourage people to read, and let their minds saturate all that text that will help strengthen their writing skills and vocabulary.

Must Read Books for Women

Women, more than men, I think, have a love for reading that is more inborn than bred. I wish more men would read, so that they'd be good conversationalists when it came to discussing great reading. Women can check out these books, as well as men, since they aren't all that chick oriented.

List of Must Read Books for Women
The Awakening Kate Choplin
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
Little Women Louisa May Alcott
To the Lighhouse Virginia Woolf
Lolita Vladimir Nabokov
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy
To Kill a Mocking Bird Harper Lee
Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
Women in Love D.H. Lawrence
Middlemarch George Elliot
Wuthering Heights Emily Bront
The Arabian Nights Compilation Stories
Frankenstein Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
The House of Mirth Edith Wharton
Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys
My Life in France Julia Child
The Liar's Club Mary Karr
The Woman Warrior Maxine Hong Kingston
Manhattan: When I Was Young Mary Cantwell
Her Last Death Susanna Sonnenberg
The Glass Castle Jeannette Walls
The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank
Ida: A Sword Among Lions Paula J. Giddings
The Feminine Mystique Betty Friedan

Must Read Books On Fiction

There are a lot of writers out there, both men and women, who know how to use words and change it into a form that people can relate to, or the kind that probes their sense of imagination. Here we look into books of a fictional nature, that you can get down to reading.

List of Must Read Fiction Based Books
A Thousand Splendid Suns Khaled Hosseini
A Mercy Toni Morrison
The Angel's Game Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The Abstinence Teacher Tom Perrotta
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Seth Grahame Smith
Long Time Coming Sandra Brown
Adventures of a Salsa Goddess Joann Hornak
Millennium Babe: The Prophecy Betty Dravis
The Aristocrat: Mira Romance Catherine Coulter
Chasing Demons Christy Tillery French
Thief of Hearts Rosamond McPherson Young
Eyes of Fire Heather Graham Pozzessere
Invisible Paul Auster
Bag of Bones Stephen King
Malice Danielle Steel

Must Read Books Recommended by the NY Times

These books are highly recommended reads by the New York Times. Feast your eyes on some of these best selling books, that every book lover must make a point to get their hands on.

NY Times Book List
Fall of Giants Ken Follett
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest Stieg Larrson
Safe Haven Nicholas Sparks
The Reversal Michael Connelly
Trickle Up Poverty Michael Savage
The Roots of Obama's Rage Dinesh D'souza
Little Bee Chris Cleave
Half Broke Horses Jeannette Walls
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Stieg Larrson
61 Hours Lee Child
Crave J.R Ward
Eat Pray Love Elizabeth Gilbert
The Accidental Billionaires Ben Mezrich
Where Men Will Glory John Krakauer
Divine Transformation Zhi Gang Sha
Delivering Happiness Tony Hsieh
Love, Lust and Faking It Jenny McCarthy
American Vampire: Vol 1 Scott Snyder, Stephen King and Rafael Albuquerque
The Exile: An Outlander Graphic Novel Diana Gabaldon and Hoang Nguyen
Blackest Night Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis

Must Read Books for Kids

Kids can now refer to the following list of must read novels, for books that will definitely be worth your time. Parents and teachers need to also understand that reading for children is important to help them grow and incorporate books into their lives.

List of Must Read Books for Kids
How to Eat Fried Worms Thomas Rockwell
The Great Brain John D. Fitzgerald
Westmark Trilogy Lloyd Alexander
Harry Potter Set JK Rowling
The Hobbit J.R.R Tolkien
Lord of the Flies William Golding
A Wrinkle in Time Madeleine L'Engle
The Giver Lois Lowry
The Cay Theodore Taylor
The Sign of the Beaver Elizabeth George Speare
Where the Red Fern Grows Wilson Rawls
Matilda Roald Dahl
The Outsiders S. E. Hinton
The Chaos Walking Trilogy Patrick Ness
A Little History of the World EH Gombrich
Witch Child Celia Rees
Exposure Mal Peet
The White Darkness Geraldine McCaughrean
Tom's Midnight Garden Philippa Pearce
Skellig David Almond

With these well sorted book lists, I'm sure you'll find yourself with a stock full of great reads, to place on your bookshelf to read as and when you like. Start reading already!

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