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Landing Page Templates
Landing pages are those pages displayed to a user, when that user follows a search-engine link or clicks on an advertisement. Landing pages are of two types, i.e. transactional and reference. These pages are optimized to incorporate certain keywords indexed by search-engines. The content present in reference landing pages include text, relevant links, images, etc. Reference landing pages are created for the sake of meeting objectives of an organization. The revenue value of advertisements present on landing pages determine their effectiveness. Transactional pages are interactive in nature and allow visitors to perform different activities like clicking on advertisements, filling forms, etc.
Templates for Landing Pages
The landing page makes a first impression about a particular website on the minds of customers. It has been observed that people who surf the web hardly stay on a page for 6-9 seconds before moving on to the next. It is important for the user to stay on the page as long as possible and surf the website. Web page templates should therefore be attractive and present the user with relevant information.
Page Design
The landing pages need not be homepages of websites. A page which has been optimized for keywords and contains relevant information the visitor is looking for, should serve the purpose; affiliate landing page templates should thus, be designed accordingly. When the users 'land' on a particular page, they should understand what to do next; in short, the website should possess the trait of being intuitive. Content presented on the landing page should engage the readers so that they develop interest in the website. One should make proper use of the available space on the page; a well formatted and neat page would make the reader feel better and he may read the content with interest. The headline or title of the page should always present the user with information. Otherwise, he/she would move away from the page. As stated earlier, the user should understand what to do next or how to proceed; 'call to action' proves to be of great help in such cases. Two-three 'call to action' boxes per page would serve the purpose. Information about the benefits of using the website services should also be presented to the users. Again, the content comes to play in attracting attention of the users. The content should be compelling enough to turn the potential customer/visitor into an actual customer. There are many free landing page templates available on the Internet; one can use them for reference. Likewise, landing page generators that are available online should be used for creating nice web pages.
Squeeze Page Templates
The squeeze pages provide visitors with an option of entering a website only through an opt-in box. This opt-in box takes the visitor to an autoresponder. A squeeze page template design should be simple and present information to the visitor in a concise format. The headline should be compelling enough to raise interest in the minds of readers. Information presented in the form of bullets is the best bet for you to impress the readers/visitors. The long form squeeze template is a type of squeeze page in which the format being used is that of a sales letter. Detailed information is presented and sometimes opt-in form replaces the payment link.
The landing page templates should be prepared in such a way that they help increase the web traffic. One should think from as many angles as possible to understand how the needs of users are satisfied. Thus, preparing appealing landing pages is one of the important ways of marketing over the Internet.
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