Walking Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis

Heel pain is the major symptom of plantar fasciitis. Plantar fascia is a tissue which runs at the bottom of your heel and becomes painful and inflammatory causing plantar fasciitis. These tissues run from the heels to the tip of the toes. Plantar fasciitis causes throbbing pain when you try to lift your leg during walking or running. Mainly it is a common problem faced by runners, obese people and pregnant women. Also, those who wear shoes which do not support the feet properly, can suffer from plantar fasciitis. Let us discuss the exact treatment for this condition.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

In plantar fasciitis treatment, walking may cause overstretching of your leg. When you walk, walk gently without straining your heels. Another thing to remember is to avoid walking on hard surfaces and always opt for proper well cushioned shoes. Old and worn out shoes must be avoided which can cause discomfort while walking. There are heel pads and cushions available which help provide support to the heels and feet. There are painkillers and other anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve the throbbing pain. In addition, there are certain plantar fasciitis exercises like stretching exercises. However, these exercises must be performed in supervision of a physiotherapist. Heel pain due to plantar fasciitis can be overcome by using proper footwear.

Plantar Fasciitis Walking Shoes

As mentioned above, improper shoes cause plantar fasciitis. Also, for its treatment, good shoes are suggested. There are shoes which do not have a cushioning at the center of the foot. In walking shoes for plantar fasciitis, there is an arch at the middle of the sole. This arch and well supported mechanism in these shoes can help in rendering great relief while walking. Otherwise, excessive pressure on the feet can cause increase in pain and inflammation. These shoes have built-in features which provide relief from the pain. There are motion-controlled shoes for those who have developed plantar fasciitis due to flat foot or wrong shoes. It is recommended that when you step out of your bed in the morning, you must immediately slip into slippers designed to support the plantar fascia tissue.

Plantar fasciitis walking shoes have a soft mid-sole. Also, there are shoes for both walking and running. However, the walking shoes are different from the running shoes. This is because, when you walk, the time for which your feet comes in contact with the ground, is different as compared to running. In shoes for plantar fasciitis, there is an additional cushioning support for the feet. These shoes are designed specially by podiatrists, and have special stabilizing orthotic foot bed. This stabilizing foot bed helps to align your foot in a neutral position. Also, these shoes have an arch to support the heel bone angle, while walking. Apart from cushioning, walking shoes are available in different sizes.

This was all about walking shoes for plantar fasciitis. These shoes are available in almost all shoe stores.

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