Sulfate Free Shampoo Benefits

We all are aware of the fact that almost all the shampoos we use consist of various chemicals and ingredients that may not be as harmless as the manufacturers claim! Out of these chemicals, the most dreadful of all chemicals is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and its similar kinds which are Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS). With the increase in the debate over the ill effects of sulfates on your hair health, it has become important for all of us to know about the benefits of sulfate free shampoo. Considering the fact that most of the products that we have used, and are continuing to use, consists of SLS, the need of the hour is to understand if these chemicals are really affecting our health and environment! This is what this article discusses, along with discussing the benefits of the products that do not contain these harmful ingredients.

Benefits of Shampoos without Sulfates

With so many things discussed, spoken, and written to prove why are sulfates bad for hair, one often wonders if these discussions are just 'generated news' or information about something that exists! Did you know that almost 95% of the commonly found shampoo brands which we use on a regular basis, consists of SLS, SLES, OR ALS! These chemicals are used to provide foam to our shampoos, which most of us think is a good thing! Another reason for using this ingredient in the shampoo is because it is inexpensive and acts as a surfactant. Studies also state that SLS can actually be absorbed by the skin cells and this can result in many hair, and health related problems. Also chemical based formulas, most of them containing sulfates, also consists of silicons and sodium which can again create a lot of problems in the long run. This is why most of the people around are opting for natural sulfate and sodium free shampoos that can not only clean their hair, but also keep them healthy. Let us now have a look at some benefits of sulfate free shampoos.

  • Reduces Irritation: Studies show that sulfates are irritants which can not only irritate the scalp but the skin as well. People who have used shampoos without sodium laureth sulfate have found that the irritation has visibly reduced within the first few uses.
  • Good for Colored Hair: Another among the merits is that these shampoos reduce the color fading process when used against sulfate based shampoos. So, if you have recently colored your hair and want the color to stay longer, go for a natural sulfate free shampoo!
  • Reduces the Dryness of the Scalp: Sulfates are irritants and can also end up drying your scalp by removing the natural oils that it contains! Many people who have used sulfate free shampoo feel that the dryness of the hair and other problems related to it have reduced. Dryness of the scalp can also lead to dandruff, itching, boils on the scalp, and so on. Using shampoos without sodium laureth sulfate would definitely give you some relief from these problems.
  • Reduces Hair Loss: Did you know that normally a person sheds about 100 hair everyday! Imagine what happens when the sulfates attack these empty hair follicles. The sulfates can actually get absorbed in these hair follicles and make your hair more brittle, breakable, and dull; all this is definitely not a mark of what a good shampoo ingredient should do to your hair!
  • Reduces the Frizzles: There are many users who claim that these shampoos reduce the frizzles of the hair along with the brittleness. The hair felt more healthy and had a healthy shine as well. Apart from that, the frizzles were also replaced by amazing soft locks!
  • Reduces Occurrence of Gray Hair: Another benefit is that its natural ingredients also reduce the occurrence of gray hair, which is another common hair problem triggered by the presence of sulfates as it is an ingredient present in detergents! Therefore, if you don't want people to think that you are 50 when you have just turned 30, then start using a shampoo without sulfates!
Many people don't get satisfied using sulfate free shampoos because they don't get the rich lather and foam which makes them think that the hair and scalp are being cleaned properly. Remember that foamy shampoo doesn't mean a 'good shampoo'. I mean what will you do with the foam, when there won't be hair left on your scalp?! If you seriously want thicker and shinier hair growth on a healthy scalp, then you can go through the list of shampoos without sodium laureth sulfate. Although, these may cost a little more than the regular shampoos that you have been using, these will definitely give you much healthier hair, which is why we use a shampoo in the first place, right? So, the next time you go buy a new shampoo, check out the ingredients thoroughly!

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