Raw Food Diet for Weight Loss

Advanced technology and innumerable medicines have not been able to eradicate the diseases and disorders that human beings suffer from. Every year, more and more number of people are diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, obesity, etc. Dietitians and doctors advise people to follow healthy lifestyle and develop healthy eating habits. Raw food diet, also known as organic diet, was originally meant for better health. It was noticed that along with improving overall health, the diet also promotes weight loss. Therefore the concept of raw food diet is gaining popularity in all parts of the world.

Raw Food Diet

You are supposed to eat raw organic food like fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables, when on raw food diet. It is a fact that when you heat your food over 116 degrees F, enzymes present in the food are destroyed. Raw food is more rich in enzymes and nutrients than cooked food. Enzymes offer energy to food and they enhance the process of digestion. Food is easily absorbed by intestines because of enzymes. Eating enzyme less food leads to improper absorption of foods which in turn can result in increased toxicity. When on raw food, your daily calorie intake is way less than the recommended calorie intake. So following a raw food diet for weight loss can be the healthiest way of losing weight fast.

You may eat cut vegetables and fruits or you may enjoy fruit juices, milk shakes, smoothies along with vegetables. You are not supposed to eat animal food. Use of unpasteurized raw milk is recommended. Sprouts provide another healthy alternative. Sea vegetables like kelp, arame, dulse, wakame can improve your health in various ways. Health benefits of dried fruits, nuts and seeds, tender coconut and coconut milk are well-known. Soaked grains and sprouts can keep you satiated for longer time. You are supposed to avoid caffeine, processed foods, complex sugars, smoking, and alcohol when on diet. But you should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. If you think that consuming raw food means eating tasteless food, then you should take a look at raw food recipes.

Raw Food Detox Diet for Weight loss

Those who follow raw food diet for health can enjoy other benefits of the diet, for example, weight loss and detoxification of body. The diet works as a detox diet and helps remove toxins from the body. When too much of waste material is accumulated in your body, you suffer from various digestive system problems such as indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, etc. This increases pressure on kidneys. Accumulated toxins may make your liver sluggish and inefficient because liver plays an important role in elimination of toxins. When liver and kidneys are forced to work hard, you suffer from kidney problems and liver problems, the cycle thus continues...Getting rid of toxins from the body is therefore very essential.

If you want to opt for a raw food detox diet, you should prepare your body gradually for the change. You should not instantly opt for intense detoxification by including 100% raw vegan food in your diet. For the sake of convenience, and to avoid negative effects on the body, you may include some amount of cooked food in your detox diet menu. Thus, you will be emotionally satisfied and you will not think of leaving the diet immediately.

Raw food diet for weight loss helps you stay away from harmful additives, preservatives, coloring agents, oils, salt and sugar. Since animal products are not included in this diet, you help save animals and the ecosystem as well! The diet ensures physical, mental and emotional health. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help prevent diseases, including cancer. They strengthen your immune system and boost your energy. Detoxification heals the body, refreshes the mind and uplifts your spirit. Whether you follow raw food diet for fitness or for weight loss, it will help you discover a rejuvenated happy new you!

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