Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is any activity, which helps to increase or maintain physical fitness, along with the physical well-being of a person. It is a part of physical fitness. To achieve physical fitness, one has to exercise regularly, take correct nutrition, at the same time also take sufficient rest. Often people do not take sufficient rest, which has its side effects. Rest helps the body to rejuvenate, hence adequate amount of rest is necessary for the body. Most of us are not able to spare time for a regular physical activity. However, there are numerous proven positive benefits of physical activity.

Physical Exercise Benefits

It helps in preventing chronic health problems, and promoting weight loss. There is a close relation between exercise and the brain functioning. It helps to calm the brain, thereby help in better sleep. Apart from these benefits, there are many other benefits as well. Let's find out, what are they.

  • If a person suffers from stress, regular exercise will help in calming down the person. The chemicals in the brain are stimulated after working out, which leaves the person with a feeling of happiness and the person is more relaxed.
  • There are many psychological benefits of exercise. Regular exercise has proved in boosting self-confidence, which also helps in improving self-esteem. If a person with depression starts with regular exercise program, it will help in improving the condition of the person and also prevent any further occurrences of depression.
  • Regular exercise is known to fight chronic diseases. Some of the diseases, which can be prevented with the help of regular exercise include, osteoporosis, heart diseases, high blood pressure, etc. People with high cholesterol have benefited from regular exercise, as exercise boosts high density lipoprotein (HDL), which is the good cholesterol and decreases the triglycerides levels in the body. Certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis can also be prevented with regular exercise.
  • The benefit of physical activity to lose weight or manage weight is well-known. If you are not able to spare a lot of time for exercise, it is perfectly fine, you will have to bring about little changes in your lifestyle, which will prove to be helpful as well.
  • Physical activity helps to build muscular strength, increase endurance and not to forget improve flexibility.
  • Physical exercises for children are necessary, as they help to maintain their energy balance in the child and general fitness as well. Psychological wellbeing and social interaction of the child also stands to improve from exercise as well.

There are three main types, under which all the exercises are categorized. The categorization is made depending on the effect of the exercise on the overall well-being of the person. The first of the category are the flexibility exercises. The most common example of flexibility exercises are the different stretches. They help to improve endurance, range of motion of the muscles as well as the joints. Next are aerobic exercises. Exercises like walking exercise, running and jogging, swimming, cycling, playing tennis, step aerobics, skipping rope, running up and down the stairs, hiking, rowing, cross-country skiing, etc. are all aerobic exercises. These activities focus on cardiovascular health and endurance. On the other hand, exercises like bodyweight exercises, weight training and strength training, sprinting, etc. are all a part of anaerobic exercises. These exercises focus on increasing the strength and endurance of the muscles. Yoga exercises are known to focus on all the types of exercises, therefore are often called the best form of exercise. They help in increasing the flexibility of the body, along with endurance. Some of the yoga poses are also known to improve the condition of the heart along with strengthening the muscles. A number of heart patients are known to have benefited from this form of exercise.

Depending on each person's choice, one can include any form of exercise in their daily routine. If it is not possible to opt for physical exercises everyday, it should at least be done thrice a week for at least an hour everyday. Apart from these exercises, one can stop the use of elevators, escalators, and using a vehicle for short distance. All of these will add up to the total workout. Doing housework at a quicker pace, gardening, washing the car, etc. will prove beneficial as well.

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