Laptop Overheats and Shuts Off

In the recent years, laptop overheating has become a very common problem. One of the reasons that can be given for this problem is the dense architecture of CPU chips and video chips that contain lots of transistors. Most of these chip elements generate heat energy. Be it the CPU or graphic options, there are various heat-producing elements in laptops. If not properly designed and in case ventilation system of laptops are interfering with cooling systems, laptop overheats and shuts off.

Laptop Overheating and Shutting Down
Mostly, it happens that laptop shuts off while watching some movie or playing some songs for half an hour so. Or you might be playing some games or working on some documents and meanwhile, in the middle of your work, the laptop shuts off. If your laptop shuts off frequently, then this can be due to laptop overheating. So, your task is to find out why is your laptop overheating? The most technical reason that can be given for this occurrence is that an inbuilt software in your laptop instructs the laptop to shut down after the laptop temperature has crossed a threshold limit. Mostly, miniaturization of electronic chips has led to the problem of overheating in laptop computers.

How to Keep Laptop From Overheating
We start our discussion of eliminating the problem of laptop overheating by considering the most basic procedure of cooling laptops. An effective solution for treating overheating problems in laptops is cooling pads. In the recent years, owing to numerous problems with respect to overheating of laptop microprocessors, laptop cooling pads have become extremely popular. In fact, nowadays, laptop cooling pads are one of the most important laptop accessories. Although, there have been various questions regarding laptop cooling pads, still, they're considered to be an effective method to manage laptop temperature. Another step you can take is to go to an authorized laptop computer repair shop and ask for a complete checking of motherboard processor. Generally, poor capacitors and heating elements often lead to overheating. Although, every electronic device having resistance will heat up, some poor capacitors may heat up more than normal, leading to overheating. Hence, if your laptop overheats and shuts down, you may take professional help. Generally, among several computer problems and solutions, overheating is the most common and yet neglected problem. Ensure that the CPU gets proper ventilation and so does the mother board.

Another tip to avoid laptop overheating is frequent cleaning of cooling fan exhaust system. The cooling fan also known as CPU fan is located on the side or back of the case. In case, the fan is clogged, it will prevent the flow of hot air and hence it will remain trapped inside the case. Proper cleaning of the CPU fan eliminates this problem. Even after doing this, if your laptop overheats and shuts off, then you can adjust BIOS settings of the laptop. However, not all laptops may have this facility. By properly reading manufacturer manual, you can reset the BIOS settings.

Lastly, using your laptop properly and with care is very crucial. One should ensure that while using the laptop there must be some laptop tray or desk on which it is comfortably kept. If your laptop overheats and shuts off frequently, then it's certainly a sign of some malfunctioning in hardware. In case, even after taking some measures, your problem is not solved, it is best to take your laptop to an authorized repair shop.

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