How to Organize Coupons

Every shopper, who knows the reasons and advantages of shopping with coupons, searches for ways to keep the coupons in one place. This is important especially when you're standing at the checkout counter and the cashier is staring at your face, as you pull out a pile of coupons. Even though we can't redeem every coupon we can get our hands on, the feeling of holding on to them till their expiration date is very tempting. I'm sure that if not you, someone else standing in front of you in the line, must be holding up everyone behind him/her. It's not uncommon to see those 'Coupon ladies' that have a big envelope filled with coupons. But even though there are so many coupons in your hand and you have the shopping list planned accordingly, doesn't it bother you that you can't reach to those coupons in a short time? I mean there are soooo many coupons with you; it has to be frustrating having to go through all of them just to reach the one which you require. So is there a solution to this? Well, of course there is. Making a coupon organizer. Yes! You can save a lot of time and finish grocery shopping if you had a personal organizer. But how should you organize the coupons in the first place? Here's how.

What to Use as a Coupon Organizer?

There are various items you can use to organize your coupons. In order to become a 'Coupon Queen' (or King), you need to find out a method which helps you sort your coupons effectively. This also means that the system or method has to work for you and not the other way round. Just because we told you a particular way to organize your coupons doesn't mean you can't come up with your own system. Who knows, by the end of reading this article, you just invented a personalized organizing system. (Do let us know by leaving a comment below; it would help others a lot). Alright, back to the subject.

So, we want to find out the different storing and organizing methods which you can use for your coupons. Basically, you can use about 4 different systems:

  1. Envelopes - You can have different envelopes that has specific coupons in each. Divide food items from household items, clip coupons and place them in tagged envelopes. Or you could keep the coupons with similar expiration dates together.
  2. Expanding File - Purchase an expanding file and stick tags on the top of specific coupons. While going to the stores, all you need is your expanding file with coupons. The organization techniques can be similar to what we discussed with envelopes.
  3. Binder - If you have a LOT of coupons, and I mean A LOT... then a binder is the best thing. To learn how to organize coupons in a binder, just insert the coupons in the spaces provided and stick Post Its Flags to keep a track.
  4. Index Card Box - Use a recipe box or make one with cardboard shoe box, this organizing method is very simple. Place the coupons and separate them with dividers made of cardboard. Place the coupons in their specific sections and place tags to keep them in place.
Whenever you get the grocery coupons by mail or via email, first of all, clip all the coupons; even the ones you feel you won't require. Later in the day, when you have more time, you can begin sorting the coupons and dividing them in categories (we'll talk about that in some time). Once you have the coupons all sorted out, you can easily place them in your organizer and head out shopping. Now if you have a friend that you normally go grocery shopping with or know that even he/she uses coupons, you can exchange the coupons which you won't be using and vice versa. This way, you get more options.

Organize Coupons into Categories

Categories means arranging the coupons in a logical manner. But this could mean that the actual technique can vary from person to person. The points to concentrate on here is that you need to have a system that works for you and the categories need to be very simple (less complicated). And to help you come up with some coupon categories, here's a list you can go over.

Baby foods & items Baking Batteries & film Beverages Bread Candies Canned foods Cereal Cooking supplies Crackers Dairy products Dessert items Dry foods Ethnic foods First Aid & OTC Meds Frozen foods Fruits Health foods Household, cleaning items Hygienic items Jelly, Peanut Butter Junk food items Meat Office supplies Paper products Pet items Salad dressing Sauces Seafood Seasonings & condiments Snacks Syrup, peanut butter, jams Vegetables

I think you got the idea of what I mean by organizing coupons and separating them in categories. Remember, no coupon is waste and you can surely find a way to use and/or exchange them. Invite more people from your neighborhood so that you can exchange more coupons and can receive valuable coupons that will help you save more.

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