Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Part 2

Almost 95% of all Americans have a cell phone and use it regularly. I use my cell phone only for texting and calling, but both activities can be recorded without me knowing it, either because I didn't read the fine print, or such fine print doesn't exist, and there's something in your phone doing stuff they don't want you to know about.

I believe the company is entitled Sirius IQ. In every single cell phone, there is a microchip that can record your conversations, both by text messages and calls. While this chip may not record all the content of every phone call, it can search for specific words. When you say the word it's looking for, it sends information to the government, and may continue recording the rest of your conversation.

For instance, it may search for 'bomb' or 'terrorist', in suspicion of random violent plots against someone or something. It will continue recording until the government can track down your motive and location for said plot.

We must also be aware that these chips can also track down the exact location of your cell phone, among the following:

  1. All contacts
  2. All memory left on your phone
  3. Whose fingerprints touch it (if yours is a touchscreen)
  4. All numbers dialed and whose are dialed most frequently, and
  5. All downloads, voice messages, and ringtones on your phone: just to name a few!
I never knew all this until I saw it on TV. The program I saw it on was later banned from all stations because of the content allowed on it, so I am not allowed to mention the name of the program any longer. But what the program did make me understand was that even in the smallest, unsuspecting devices, the government can be invading our privacy, and we don't even know it! Can you trust your cell phone? What we do know is that caution should be exercised at all times.

What about your Internet service? Deep inside your network modem, could there be another microchip of some kind, recording our Internet activity at all times? Find that out in Part 3 of this series.

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