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Fitting Room Mistakes Women Make when Trying On Clothes
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When you try a trouser, sit down and get up to check your comfort level. If you have to adjust the trousers after getting up, you better not buy them.
Shopping is fun, and there are no second thoughts about it. So, you are on a shopping spree and have picked clothes that appeared awesome to you, when they were on display. You have already imagined yourself in those dresses and feel beautiful about the entire idea. You enter the fitting room to try them and crash! All your dreams are shattered into pieces as the clothes you picked didn't fit you at all. Not even after pulling or squeezing yourself to make the clothes fit! You leave the store disappointed.
Then there are the other category of shoppers. The ones who don't try clothes at all before buying them, and later on, keep cribbing about the choice of dress they made. Avoid falling in either of these categories so as to keep the disappointment at bay. Here are few mistakes, which we can avoid to make the "trying on clothes" experience, fun.
Sticking to One Size
The last time you were on a shopping spree, denims of size 28 were fitting you perfectly. This time around also, you look for hours in the size 28 section and select denims of different colors. However, the jeans didn't fit you at all. Taking clothes of only one size inside the changing room is one of the biggest mistakes that most of us commit. Instead, try taking clothes of different sizes. If 28 was your size, take one denim of 27 and one of 29 along with you in the changing room. This will save you time and energy. The frustration of trying ten denims of various brands (of the same size) and finding out that nothing fits you can be maddening to the extent of not buying one at all! Trying out clothes of different sizes doesn't imply that you have lost or gained weight. Girls, these are clothes after all. The sizes may deviate a bit from the standard sizes.
The next time you want to buy any clothes, take different sizes of the same dress in the changing room.Be Careful with Slim Fits
Slim fits are the latest thing in fashion, and we all love to have one of those in our wardrobes. But slim fits are the riskiest ones to buy as well. They may look good when you see them on the display, but when you try the same dress, it may not fit you perfectly. The first thing to check when you go in for slim fits is the fitting at the broader parts of your body. The dress might look perfect when you are standing, but the moment you sit down, the "oops moment" may arrive! Almost all fitting rooms have benches. So, sit down on the bench, and check if the dress looks as elegant as it did when you were standing. When you are trying out slim-fit denims, bend down and check if you can actually bend! The denim shouldn't be so slim in its fit that you cannot even move an inch!
While going for slim-fit denims, sit on the bench in the fitting room to check if you are comfortable. Also, keep a check on that extra bit of fat (if any) that might appear while wearing those dresses!Check Dresses in Good Lighting
Many of us are so paranoid with colors that we stick to one color for most of our lifetime. But, variety is the spice of life, and wearing different colors can lift your mood. But the biggest disaster happens in this area. If you have picked a color, there are chances that it might be your favorite color and you may know that it will suit you. But, overconfidence can lead to disastrous situations. When you pick a color, checking the dress in good light is necessary. If you think the light in the changing room is not sufficient, walk out of the room and check the dress in good light. This will give you a clear idea as to how the dress will look. Dim lighting in the dressing rooms can sometimes be deceptive. Also, if you like one particular color, try out the same dress in close-by shades. May be a lighter shade might look elegant than the one you picked.
Before buying the dress, check your appearance in good light while wearing the same dress.Don't Stick to One Brand
Okay, you have been loyal to one brand for many of your shopping sprees, but that doesn't mean, it is the only brand that suits or fits you well. Many people shop for luxury and forget everything about their body. Brands or labels will only look elegant if they fit you correctly. So, if you don't find relevant sizes in your favorite brand, try a new brand. The fitting may vary with every brand, so it is advisable to try different sizes. You may feel uncomfortable for the first few seconds, but settle down. Wait for few minutes, and then try to check the comfort. This time around, you may like the fitting.
Pick the same type of dress from a different brand and check your comfort level. This brand may suit you more than the previous one.Look into Each Mirror
Knowing one's body is "the" most important aspect while buying clothes. You are your best judge and you will be knowing your extra-flab areas. So, when you pick clothes, try to pick only those which will suit your silhouette. Once you think you have made the right choice, try them out. While in the changing room, look into each of those mirrors that are placed in the room. Those mirrors will give you an idea about your appearance from every angle. Look closely into all of them and identify the problem areas. If you feel comfortable while looking at yourself from every angle, then you can definitely go in for that dress.
Looking in each mirror in the fitting room from every angle will give you clear idea about your appearance.Tailoring
Many a time, there are dresses that look nice when in display but when you try them, they can be tight in certain areas. This will make the dress look clingy, and your appearance will be hampered. To avoid such situations, when you try any piece of clothing, except for lingerie, check if it fits correctly at the widest region of the body. Like if you are buying a dress, check if it fits correctly at the waist region. If it does, then alterations can be made to it to make it fit perfectly in other areas as well. You can carry few extra pins with you, and pin up the dress to get the right fit. Once you have finalized the look, ask the tailor to do the alterations for you.
Tailoring can do wonders to give the clothes a perfect fit. All you need to do is to give the right measurements and voil! Your well-fit dress is ready.Makeup
Most of us step out of our house in a casually dressed manner when we go shopping. But, this is not the right thing to do. When you are not in your best look, some genuinely good clothes will not look the best on you. But, when you have put on a bit of makeup and done your hair perfectly, the same dress may look good. It is because when we look our best, we feel good about ourselves, and this is reflected in our choice of buying clothes. Also, it is advisable to take time out and shop during daytime after having a light breakfast. This will keep you fresh, and there will no sort of bloating. So, you will get a better idea about the fitting of your clothes.
Dress up with neatly done hair and makeup to get a clearer idea about your final look, when you try new clothes.
These were a few common mistakes that we must surely avoid when trying clothes. But, there are a few minor points that you must consider while buying particular type of clothing. Let us take a look at some specific buying points for specific clothing types.
When You Buy a Dress
Zip the dress completely, and then check the final look. If the dress has buttons, button up completely, and only then make your final decision.
Check if it fits correctly near your waist region.
Stretch your arms to check if the dress is being pulled inappropriately in some areas.
Squat to check if no part is showing off.
Check the gap between your armpit and the dress sleeve. Make sure you are comfortable with the gap that is provided.
When You Buy a Trouser
Check the hem. It should be an inch from the floor, so that you can wear them with heels as well as flats.
Insert two fingers in your waistline to check the gap. If the fingers slip comfortably, you can opt for the trouser, else you must not. This is because you tend to bloat sometimes, and this shouldn't make you look uncomfortable in those trousers.
Check if there is too much material in the crotch area. This excess material can make you feel embarrassed when you wear short tops.
Bend down and check if the trousers don't pull near your thighs. This can lead to awkward situations, if it does.
Don't worry about the pockets. They tend to bulge no matter how well your trousers fit.
When You Buy a Pencil Skirt
Check if you can insert two fingers in your waistline and move the skirt around. If you can, it means the skirt is too big and you better look for other options.
See that there are no creases at the tush. The creases will hamper the entire look.
Sit down and check if there is no extra flesh flashing.
Walk around and check if the tapering hemline allows you to walk comfortably.
When You Buy a Jacket
Check the shoulder area. The blazer should fit comfortably on your shoulders and shouldn't slip off.
Check the sleeve length. Button the sleeves and then take a look at the final appearance.
Keep in mind to see the position of the middle button. It should end just above the navel area.
Look for the torso region. The jacket should match your curves and pull tightly.
Button the jacket at largest part of the torso. If you are able to do this without feeling uncomfortable, go ahead and buy that jacket.
When You Buy a Bra
First, put the loosest hook of the bra and then tighten the straps to check if it doesn't pull up. This hook will slacken in time, and even then the bra should fit you correctly.
Insert two fingers in the strap at the shoulder area. The fingers should not make the strap fall off.
Raise your arms a few times to see if the bra still stays below the bust. If it doesn't, look for another one.
Right-fitting clothes enhance your overall appearance and make you look nothing less than fab! The fitting room trial is like a rehearsal dinner that gives you the best idea about the actual look. So, take your time ladies, in choosing the right-fitting dress, and hope your "moment of truth" will be a happier one!
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