Organic Milk Vs. Regular Milk

The term organic refers to a process of food production that is natural and healthy; without the use of any synthetic substances, fertilizers, hormones, etc. Organic milk is one of the most popular organic products. Should organic milk be preferred over regular milk or should it be the other way round? We can only come to a definite conclusion after perusing the pros and cons of both.

Organic Milk

It is obtained from cows that feed on grass that is not sprayed with fertilizers or other harmful chemicals. These cows are not injected with hormones to increase their milk production. On the contrary, the cows producing organic milk are left in the pastures to feed themselves in the natural environment. In short, the milk is produced in all natural conditions.

Regular Milk

Contrary to organic milk, regular or conventional milk is obtained from cows that are fed on grass sprayed with fertilizers or chemicals. There may also be a possibility of the cows being treated with hormones to enhance their milk production. Regular milk is obtained from cows that are kept in sheds (barn) and are fed on grain. It may contain antibiotics and synthetic hormones, and has a lower shelf life as compared to organic milk.

Organic or Regular Milk?

When you see rows of organic milk cartons in the supermarket, it is only natural to wonder whether to go for it or opt for regular milk? There is a lot of debate on the advantages of one over the other.

Nutritional Value
The amount of nutrients present in both the types of milk is same. In other words, the nutritional value of both organic as well as regular milk is the same. You must note that both these types of milk are equally healthy. However, organic milk tends to be more natural and safe. On the contrary, people often complain that the essential nutrients in organic milk are killed as it is treated to a very high temperature. This is not true.
Artificial Hormone Treatment
Cows producing organic milk are not treated with any artificial hormones (like bovine growth hormone, or BGH) or antibiotics. Hence, these substances are absent in organic milk.

But, this does not mean that regular milk is impure or unsafe to consume. It is also tested according to the government standards and is definitely suitable for regular consumption for people of all age groups.
As cows do not feed on grass sprayed with fertilizers, people consuming organic milk are not at risk of being exposed to harmful substances. Organic milk is one of the healthiest food options.
Effect on Environment
The type of farming used for production of organic milk is environment-friendly and also supportive of wildlife. This is also one of the reasons why people have to pay extra for organic milk.
It is often claimed that organic milk is creamier and tastier than regular milk. Similarly, those advocating for organic foods also claim that regular milk is watery and less sweeter than organic milk. Although people may have their own perceptions on tasting the two varieties, in fact, there is no difference in the taste of the two.
Shelf Life
Another advantage of organic milk is that it has a longer shelf life as compared to conventional milk. Organic milk is ultra pasteurized and sterilized at a very high temperature. Therefore, it lasts longer (sometimes, up to 2 months).
The cost of organic milk is higher than that of regular milk due to several reasons. But, as there are added health benefits of having organic milk, people so not mind paying extra.
Milk contains several healthy nutrients, more specifically, calcium, that is required by the body for carrying out various functions. Therefore, according to nutritional facts, including milk or other dairy products in the diet regularly is beneficial. Organic milk is claimed to have higher amounts of vitamins and minerals. Secondly, it is also claimed to reduce the risk of heart disease or obesity. But, it is not clinically proven. You can try the two varieties, research in the market or even visit the local farm to see the quality of milk.

Both these types of milk undergo similar processes like pasteurization and homogenization. You must have observed that there are no major negative aspects, whatsoever, related to consumption of either of these types of milk. However, organic milk is more natural and safer than the conventional one. Therefore, it is for you to decide which one to choose. Good luck!

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