How to Clean Basement Floor

There are several basement flooring options like vinyl flooring, tiles, carpet, etc. Still, in most houses you will find that the basement has unfinished concrete floor. This is because a concrete basement floor can be conveniently used for storage of old and rejected household items. However, over a period of time, it becomes the most neglected part of the house. It is exposed to heavy foot traffic and it does not receive enough light and air. All these factors make the area full of dust, damp, mold and mildew. Well, cleaning the basement floor does not require any specialized skills but you do need to invest a good amount of time for it.

How to Clean Basement Floor Before Painting

An excellent way to give a clean and tidy look to the concrete basement flooring is by painting it as the paint can hide many stains and marks that get obvious on the concrete surface. Before you apply the paint over the concrete, a thorough floor cleaning is a must. Here are the main steps of how to clean a concrete basement floor before applying the paint.

Step 1
First of all, you have to remove all the furniture, equipment and other such big items from the floor area so that every nook and corner of the floor is accessible. It is likely that there are small debris lying all around the floor that includes paper, coins, old toys, clips and so on. Pick up each and every such unwanted things from the floor and place it inside and box and dispose them.

Step 2
Next, you have to clean up loose dust and grit from the floor surface. You can simply use a hand broom for this job. However, if the floor area is big and flat, then vacuum cleaning will be more convenient. Give special attention to the corners of the floor where maximum dirt gets accumulated.

Step 3
Stains on the concrete basement floor is a common occurrence. You have to clean up those ugly stains or else they will be more visible after the application of paint. Trisodium phosphate (TSP) can be used for stain removal. It is available in local hardware store or chemical supply stores. Mix one cup of water to one ounce of trisodium phosphate and apply this paste on the stains. Wait for 24 hours and then scrape out the hardened residues of TSP. Pour water over those areas and scrub thoroughly with a stiff bristled brush. If you are not interested in using such harsh chemicals, then you can use lemon juice or vinegar alternatively. They are quite effective on rust stains.

Step 4
Finally, you have to wash off the floor. Prepare a soapy solution by adding any commercial cleaner in a bucket of warm water. Mop the basement floor properly with this solution. Then rinse off the floor with clean water to remove the soapy residues. Keep the basement area well ventilated for the next few hours so that the floor dries up quickly to ensure that growth of mold and mildew does not occur. Now, you can apply basement concrete floor paint on it.

How to Wash the Basement Floor

If the basement is flooded with water after heavy rains, then the area turns messy and gives out an unpleasant odor. Moreover, there are chances of heavy mold infestations. In such cases, the technique for cleaning the concrete floor is slightly different. The first step is, of course, moving the furniture and other heavy items out of the area. Any carpet on the floor has to be pulled off and laid in some outdoor area for drying. For basement mold removal, you have to use a bleaching solution made of one cup of bleach and a gallon of water. Dip a string mop into this solution and mop the floor thoroughly. If required, you may have to repeat it a number of times before you get rid of all the mold and mildew. Then mop the floor with a solution made of detergent and a bucket of warm water. Divide the floor into small sections and mop up each section at a time. Then take a bucket of clean water and a clean mop and mop the floor with it to remove the soapy residues. Then turn on a fan to ensure faster drying of the basement floor.

If you have neglected the basement concrete floor for a long time, then you may not be able to clean it up on your own. In that case, you have to hire professionals for the same.

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