Nail Art Designs with French Manicure

Beauty is definitely big business, which goes without saying. The recent years have seen this business booming and beauty salons have taken steps to ensure that their services offer the latest and the best, when it comes to hair dressing or beauty treatments or even the manicures available.

The past few years always had limitations as far as manicures were concerned. But today, the manicures have gone a step ahead beyond the regular filing of the nails and giving it luscious coats of nail polish. The French manicure still remains to be the most popular amongst people and with those who follow the latest in nail fashion circuit.

What is a French Manicure?

This is like any normal manicure. The main difference lies in the end process. Here, the entire nail is painted with a base color and only the tips of the nail are colored with white polish. The nails are given a different shape that looks squarish rather than the conventional round shape. The entire coat is then covered with varnish.

There are also a certain segment of fashion conscious people who prefer to go beyond the traditional ways. Which is why, nail art has sprung up to be very popular amongst most women today. The plain manicured nails with a simple coat of polish no longer make a fashion statement. Today, the creativity in nail art has reached new heights and French nail art is very much in vogue. Nail art designs are highly suitable for nails that have undergone a French manicure as these provide a good base for nail art and are extended for longevity.

Nail Art Designs with French Manicure

French nail art has seen many innovations and techniques wherein the artist actually considers the nails as a canvas. French nail art can be designed to look very stunning and can be the object of envy for others. So, let us see some ways on how to achieve attractive nails to complement your outfits.

  • Choose from a glittery to a bejeweled look or even a textured style. Jewels have gone beyond adorning the basic earrings or bracelets and necklaces. Today, nail art includes the use of jewels on your nails to have sparkling nails for a formal do. Most salons experiment with small silver ringlets or similar jewelry when it comes to French nail art. All it requires is drilling a hole in the nail.
  • Try and experiment with different coloring techniques and paints to match with every occasion or theme. Some of the popular themes are jungle and animal themes.
  • French manicure nail art designs can also be created with the use of acrylic (liquid and powder) or fiberglass and UV gels. Most enhancement products include a white tip option to achieve a French manicured look. There are ways where you can create permanent French manicure nail art designs with the help of dried flowers, glitters, acrylic shapes and bullion beads etc. The process for embedding is very simple and French nail art being popular; you can easily locate a professional to get your job done to perfection. Experiment with rhinestones, flicks, dots and glitters.
  • Some of the stones can also be used as stick-ons. There are plenty of readymade options available on the market that provide you detailed designs, where all you need to do it simply peel it off and stick it on.
  • There are also various airbrush techniques and colors blending options available. Another look that is gaining popularity is the reverse French tip. Here the white is used over the entire nail and the pink color in used on the tip. Some perfect combinations are bright pink and bright yellow. Or go in for metallic purple and silver. Another creative idea is the use of colored glitter on the tip.
Always ensure you follow all the instructions your salon may offer regarding nail care. This is primarily important when you experiment with nail art design and need to keep your nails maintained for a long period of time.

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