Morning Exercise Routine

Most people choose to exercise in the evening for various reasons. Some have to reach work early in the morning, while others go to bed late and find it difficult to get up early and exercise. Research has proved, that the best time to exercise is in the morning. There are many morning exercise benefits. Exercising in the morning sets a natural alarm in the body. It ensures that the person goes to bed at a stipulated time and rises early as well. The next benefit of exercising in the morning is that exercise in the morning goes a long way in jump starting the metabolism. When you exercise in the morning, metabolism remains in the elevated state for a longer period of time. It also goes a long way in improving heart health. After reading the benefits of morning exercise, you will want to know how should a morning exercise routine look like.It is important to note, that the best morning exercises routine for a person varies from one person to another. You will have to make changes to the routine, so that it suits your needs.

Exercise Routine ...

It may not be possible for everyone, to go a gym. Each of us can have different reasons for the same. However, not going to a gym should not be a hindrance for not exercising, as we are all aware of why is exercise important. There are a number of exercises, which you can easily do at home. These exercises will give you the same, if not better, results.

Name of Exercise Number of Sets Number of Repetitions
Marching on the Spot 7 to 10 minutes
Jumping Jacks 5 to 6 minutes
Twists (with or without weights) 1 to 2 sets 10 to 12 repetitions
Side Bending 1 to 2 sets 10 to 12 repetitions
Wall Push Ups 1 set 8 to 10 repetitions
Free Lunges 2 to 3 sets 12 to 15 repetitions
Free Squats 2 to 3 sets 12 to 15 repetitions
Abdominal Crunches 2 to 3 sets 12 to 15 repetitions
Reverse Curls 2 to 3 sets 10 to 12 repetitions
Stretches 1 to 2 sets 5 to 7 repetitions

... for Men

Bodybuilding is the aim for most men. However, they are confused about the right exercise program for them. The workout routine given below will help you get a muscular ripped body, which you aim for.

Name of Exercise Number of Sets Number of Repetitions
Brisk Walk on Treadmill 7 to 10 minutes
Stationary Cycle 5 to 7 minutes
Windmill 1 to 2 sets 10 to 12 repetitions
Barbell Squats 2 to 3 sets 12 to 15 repetitions
Barbell Lunges 2 to 3 sets 10 to 12 repetitions
Push Ups 2 to 3 sets 8 to 10 repetitions
Pull Ups 2 to 3 sets 8 to 10 repetitions
Bench Press 3 to 4 sets 8 to 10 repetitions
Dumbbell Fly 3 to 4 sets 8 to 10 repetitions
Barbell Curls 4 to 5 sets 8 to 10 repetitions
Tricep Dips 2 to 3 sets 7 to 9 repetitions
Sit Ups 3 to 4 sets 15 to 18 repetitions
Scissors 2 to 3 sets 12 to 15 repetitions

... for Women

These days, there are a lot of women, who have started with morning exercise routines. The exercises for women differ from the exercises for men. At the same time, the number of repetitions along with the number of sets also are less. The routine mentioned below is one of the muscle toning workouts. You can modify the routine as per your needs and fitness level.

Name of Exercise Number of Sets Number of Repetitions
Marching on the Spot 5 to 7 minutes
Jogging on the Spot 5 to 7 minutes
Elliptical Trainer 8 to 10 minutes
Barbell Twist and Bend 1 to 2 sets 10 to 12 repetitions
Dumbbell Lunges 2 to 3 sets 12 to 15 repetitions
Dumbbell Squats 2 to 3 sets 12 to 15 repetitions
Kicks 2 to 3 sets 10 to 12 repetitions
Knee Ups 1 to 3 sets 8 to 10 repetitions
Wall Push Ups 1 set 8 to 10 repetitions
Hammer Curls 1 to 2 sets 10 repetitions
Tricep Extension 1 to 2 sets 10 to 12 repetitions
Leg Lifts 2 to 3 sets 12 to 15 repetitions
Oblique Crunches 2 to 3 sets 15 to 18 repetitions

These were some sample morning exercise routines, which you can make use of. A lot of people ask about lifting weights in the morning. Before you do any form of exercise, do some warm up exercises. Same is the case for doing weightlifting as well. If you do not do the warm up exercises, chances are high that you will injure yourself.

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