How to Make Hair Thicker

There are various reasons behind your hair getting thinner. It could be your genes, lack of hair nutrition, improper hair care, excessive use of hair care products, certain diseases and illnesses, medications, etc. When it comes to the first reason, heredity, there is hardly anything you can do to make your hair thicker. Whereas in rest of the cases, you stand a great chance to improve the quality of your hair by making them thicker and fuller.

Dos and Don'ts To Make Hair Thicker


Many times the reason for thinning hair is associated with certain 'bad hair habits' that are hazardous for hair health and lead to various hair problems, including thinning hair and hair fall. So to make your hair thicker you need to get rid of those habits in the first place:

  • Do not use harsh chemicals on your hair, be it strong shampoos or conditioners.
  • Do not expose your hair to too much heat by ironing, blow drying, and rolling them frequently.
  • Do not use hot water while shampooing your hair as it can damage your hair faster.
  • Do not wash your hair everyday as it can make the scalp and hair dry making them vulnerable to hair fall.
  • Do not tie your hair all the time with a tight hair band as it can weaken the hair follicles.
  • Do not comb wet hair as they are more susceptible for breakage.
These were some of the don'ts that you must adhere to. The aforementioned habits would damage your hair in the long run by making hair follicles dry and dead which can result in thinning hair.


Now there are certain hair care tips cum habits that your should inculcate in your daily hair care regimen to make your hair thicker and fuller naturally:
  • Use shampoo and conditioners that are low on chemicals and mild on hair.
  • Wash your hair only twice a week. If you have oily hair then prefer to wash them every alternate day with a soft shampoo.
  • Use a deep conditioner for your hair at least once a week as it nourishes hair follicles making them stronger.
  • Always let your hair air dry after tapping the extra water by soft cotton towel.
  • Always comb your hair with a wide toothed brush to avoid hair breakage.
  • Massage your hair at least once a week with warm coconut oil. You can also use olive oil or jojoba oil which is also known to make hair stringer and thicker.
  • Always wear a cap or cover your hair before stepping out in the hot sun to prevent them from getting damaged from harsh ultraviolet rays.
  • A healthy and balanced diet which is full of different minerals and vitamins is very important to keep hair healthy and strong. A protein rich diet is essential to strengthen hair follicles.
  • Following a regular exercise regimen will also help you improve hair health by promoting better blood circulation in the body including the scalp.
These were some of the 'healthy hair habits' that would help you control hair fall resulting in thicker and fuller hair. By following the above suggestions, it is possible to get the thicker hair naturally without using any medications or special products.

Remedies For Thicker Hair

There are many home remedies that are known to add the volume to hair. They are as follows:
  • Using heena once a month is effective in the process hair growth. It can be used as a natural conditioner. Just apply it and leave for three hours and then wash with lukewarm water.
  • Applying egg whites to hair also helps in having fuller hair. Leave egg white in the hair for an hour and then wash it with lukewarm water to have softer and voluptuous hair.
  • Aloe vera gel also acts like a natural conditioner that strengthens hair follicles. Apply fresh aloe vera gel to the roots and scalp and wash it after an hour to have shiny thick hair.
  • You can also take multivitamin hair supplements to avoid hair fall. But it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking any of the supplements.
The above remedies are safe and promising as they have worked for many. Now, I would conclude and leave you with one important tip for healthy hair. Worrying too much about your hair problems actually contributes to them, so, relax and let your hair relax too.

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