Hair Loss Prevention Tips

Has it happened to you, that you got up one morning and saw your pillow covered with hair? This is the scariest, if you have a history of balding in your family. If you notice, there are strands of hair under the shower after a shampoo session, you must read about the hair loss prevention tips given further.

Simple Hair Loss Prevention Tips

There are many hair loss solutions, that are now easily available. These days it is often noticed, that many people use many hair loss prevention products on their own. This is not advisable though. It is recommended, that these products be used only by a licensed beautician. People try using hair loss prevention products, but are unaware of the right quantity of chemicals to be used and end up ruining their hair. Hair care products containing alcohol should be avoided totally.

Diet plays a big role in healthy hair. It is important that you eat healthy food. Hair loss prevention diet is nothing different than eating wholesome food, rich in vital vitamins and minerals. You have to make sure that your diet does not have too much of one vitamin and while lacking some other vitamin. Hair is essentially made of proteins. Therefore, it is important that you include a healthy dose of proteins in your diet. Food items rich in proteins are eggs, almonds, seafood, yogurt, soy products, etc. The hair loss prevention vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin B (including vitamin B6 and vitamin B12), vitamin E and vitamin C. It is important to note that folic acid and iron also play a vital role in healthy hair. Throwing away junk food will help you a great deal in your fight against hair loss.

God forbid, if any disease is detected as a cause for your hair loss, it is important that you follow your doctors advise to the 'T'. If a patient does not follow the tips given by the doctor, especially in case of chemotherapy hair loss prevention, chances are high, that the hair follicles may never recover from the treatment.

If you are facing hair loss problems, do not rough towel your hair, as this can uproot some hair from their root itself. If you do oil your hair regularly, then do also remember to gently massage your hair. Find more information on tips on preventing hair loss. It is good if you can totally avoid alcohol and caffeine but if that is not possible, at least keep their consumption to a bare minimum.

Hair Care Tips
These are general hair care tips, which will help you in maintaining your hair.

  • If you are into coloring your hair, remember that there should be a gap of at least seven to nine weeks between two hair coloring sessions.
  • Stop the overuse of hair dryers and curling irons. Most of them might end up damaging the health of your scalp.
  • It is not advisable to pull up and tie your hair tight for an extended period of time. These are some of the hairstyles that can damage hair shaft and hair follicles and hence, it is advisable not to tie up hair in tight ponytails, pig tails, etc.
  • Silk and satin pillow covers are recommended, as compared to cotton or flannel pillow covers. This is true because with silk and satin pillow covers the head and the hair slide on the pillow cover and need not be forcefully pushed like is the case with cotton or flannel pillow covers.
  • If you are facing hair loss problems, you may need to find out the correct hair loss prevention shampoo to arrest hair loss. With 'find out' I mean you will have to check which shampoo suits your hair the best.
  • A simple tip is to keep your hair clean. Infections thrive in dirt, hence, if you have dirty hair, you are inviting infections that can cause hair loss.
  • Whether you have hair loss problems or not, NEVER brush your hair, when it is wet, as then, the strands are very vulnerable and can break easily.
If you are losing hair, anywhere between 50 to 100 hair strands a day, it is not a cause to worry about. It is just normal for a person to lose that much a day. However, you can also follow these hair loss prevention tips, so that you know, what the dos and the don'ts are. There are many natural home remedies for hair loss, that you can try, to arrest your hair loss. In case you are losing more than 50 to 100 hair strands a day, it is about time, you visited a dermatologist and got the correct diagnosis of your hair loss.

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