Meal Ideas for Toddlers

If you were under the impression that you can easily feed veggies and cereal to your kid every day, then you are mistaken. Toddlers are picky eaters and also capable of throwing tantrums if you serve them the same food every day. Toddlers are very active and have boundless energy; and hence, their daily requirement for food is also more. On an average, a toddler requires 1000-1300 calories per day. Here are easy and fun meal ideas for your little one.

Meals for Toddlers

Fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, dairy and eggs are healthy foods for kids and need to be included in their daily diet. However, parents have a tough job in making the food appealing to their kids every day. The food or meals meant for toddlers should be soft to chew, visually appealing, healthy and of course, nutritious. Take a look at these ideas:

  • Mickey pasta* / whole wheat pasta* / spaghetti*
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Noodle soup / minestrone soup
  • Wheat thins* with cheese / sour cream / ketchup dip
  • Risotto / fried rice / pulao
  • Quartered peanut butter* / jelly / egg / chicken sandwiches
  • Coleslaw or other sandwiches
  • Cheese / potato / chicken quesadillas
  • Pigs in a blanket*
  • French toast / omelet / fried eggs with dip
  • Mini pancakes* with / without fruit; chocolate pancakes*
  • Whole wheat waffles* with honey / fruits
  • Chicken fingers with dip / ketchup
  • Mashed potatoes with / without sauce
  • Mini cheese enchiladas
  • Small hotdogs
  • Hummus and bread*
  • Meatballs with spaghetti*
  • Cheese and bean burrito
  • English muffin pizza* (with ketchup and cheese), mini pizzas*
  • Rice and beans
  • Vegetable pasta bake
  • Fish sticks / chicken nuggets
  • Fruits and Caesar salads
*Foods to be avoided in case of toddlers with food allergies.

Apart from these healthy foods, you can also try fun snacks like fruit smoothies, fruits Popsicles, fruits cut in different shapes topped with cream, fruit parfait, cupcakes, fruit pie, etc. You can cut fruits and vegetables in interesting shapes using cookie cutter and top them with cheese or cream to tempt your kid. The following are some of the best tips on planning healthy meals for toddlers:
  • Include kids in planning and shopping for healthy foods for weekly meals. Try and include at least one of their favorite foods every day or once in 2-3 days.
  • Vegetable puree can be added to pasta / spaghetti sauce or directly to the rice curry, without the child knowing it.
  • Top cheese / sour cream / yogurt / cream cheese with vegetables and spread them on bread / muffins to make tempting vegetable dishes.
  • Let the kid feed him / herself. But, it is wise to have a sit down meal together as a family at least for lunch or dinner.
  • Older toddlers can be involved in cooking like in cleaning, garnishing, etc. teaching kids to make their own sandwiches can also be helpful.
  • Planning a balanced diet for kids is only possible if the entire family too follows the same. You, as a parent, need to set an example of healthy eating!
I hope these meal ideas were helpful to you. So, what are you waiting for, plan your weekly meal and shop accordingly. Good luck!

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