Best Month to Buy a Car

In life, as in sports, timing is everything. There is a time to sow and a time to reap, and a time to buy. When it comes to shopping or buying assets like cars, timing matters if you wish to buy it at a price you want, rather than a price which the seller decides! You can have your desired car model, even though it's a bit beyond your budget, if you only wait for the right time to buy it.

To understand what could be the best month to buy yourself a car, one needs to know the business schedules of the automobile manufacturing industry and the business conducted by car dealerships all over the year. Another thing to understand is how the price of a car is determined. If you understand what factors affect the price of a car, then you may be able to determine which is the best month for a car purchase, at a substantially discounted price. The price of a commodity is a function of demand and supply. Understanding simple economics can help you decide which would be the best month of the year for a purchase. Prices are high when the supply is low and demand is high. On the other hand, prices are lower, when the supply is high, while the demand is low or poor. When you plan to buy a new car at a lower price than which is on offer in boom time, you need to wait for a time when demand drops! Another thing to take into consideration while buying a new car is the dealership you approach.

Buying a new car is a major financial decision for many, and if you want your dream car, you need to do your homework about automobiles sales. If you understand the sales process, deciding which is the best time to buy, will be obvious

Which is the Best Month to Buy a Car?

The best time to buy a new car is spread over three months in general. The period is September-October-November of every year. There are many reasons why these months may be the best times of the year to buy a new car at a bargain price or lower price than normal.

One prime reason, why you can plan to buy a new car in a period from September end to November end is that new car models for the next year are generally rolled out in these months. That is why there is a pressure on dealerships in this period to sell the old models and make space for new ones that are coming in. The longer the older models linger with dealerships, more is their price drop. That is why, in this period of October and November, they need to sell these models fast. Every salesman has a pressure on him to look good on the performance charts when it comes to selling cars at the end of the season. You can take an advantage of this situation in bargaining for the car price. Smaller dealerships are more under pressure than big ones, due to the lesser space of accommodation of cars. So I would say October or November end gives you a high probability to buy your car at a discount price!

Of course, a lot depends on the choice of a car too. Select your car model and study its selling history with an eye on price fluctuations. Also consider what are the other factors that affect a car price. Taking cognizance of all the factors that affect a car price, including time of sales, will give you an idea about which would be the best time of purchase.

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