Best Conditioners for Dry Scalp

Dry scalp is the most irritating condition when you are trying to focus at work or have to head out for a party. The constant itch is unbearable and the shedding white flakes resembles dandruff, which becomes a major cause of embarrassment. Coloring your hair, change of water from soft to hard, excessive use of shampoo or other hair products can cause a dry scalp. Exposure to extreme weather conditions such as hot or cold temperatures can further worsen the condition. Fortunately, dry scalp can be treated with some homemade remedies

Homemade Conditioners for Dry Scalp and Hair
Many times, dry scalp is confused with dandruff, as symptoms of both are nearly the same. However, before you begin to treat the problem it is important to recognize it correctly. Dandruff has a sebum, an oil which is secreted by hair shaft, sweat, bacteria and scalp tissue. This makes it look a little yellow or off white. On the other hand, dry scalp is shedding of dead cells due to dehydration of sebaceous glands. The flakes are white in color and can cause severe itching. Visit hair experts to know the difference between dandruff and dry scalp, before you blindly decide on following a remedy.

Egg Yolk Conditioner
Egg is rich in proteins, which helps in restoring the health of your hair and scalp too. To make this conditioner at home, you will need, one egg yolk, one tablespoon of olive oil and one cup lukewarm water. Begin by beating the yolk, till it reaches a fine light yellow color. Next add the olive oil and whisk it together till the ingredients blend well. Pour in the water so that the mixture gets a little diluted. Comb this mixture on completely wet hair after shampooing. Use your hands or a comb to spread this mixture evenly. Allow it to sit for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse it with warm water.

Mayo and Avocado Conditioner
To make this hair conditioner, you will need half a cup of mayo and one avocado. Mash both the ingredients in a bowl with your hands till the mixture turns light green. Wash your hair with warm water as you normally do. While they are still wet, apply this mixture on your hair evenly and generously. Make sure it reaches the scalp too. Since you've washed your hair with warm water, the pores on the scalp will be open. This will enhance the conditioner's effect. Once you've applied it, wear a shower cap or wrap a warm towel around your hair. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with normal water.

Honey, Banana and Yogurt Conditioner
To make this conditioner at home you will need one banana, half a cup of honey and one cup plain yogurt. Bring the yogurt to room temperature and the mash the remaining ingredients with yogurt. Apply this mixture on your scalp and wrap it with a warm towel. Leave it on for about 30-40 minutes and then rinse it with warm water. This will provide an extra moisturizing effect.

Olive Oil and Warm Water
The easiest home remedy for dry scalp is olive oil and warm water. Make a mixture of half a cup of warm water and two tablespoons of olive oil. Massage this mixture on your scalp and then wrap it with a warm towel. Leave it on for about 30 - 40 minutes and then rinse it off with normal water and a mild shampoo.

Other than these home remedies you can also try conditioners available in the market. Kenra Dandruff Conditioner Moisturizing Treatment for Dry Scalp, Avlon KeraCare Moisturizing Conditioner for Dry and Itchy Scalp 8oz or Head and Shoulders conditioner to treat your dry scalp.

Oiling your hair regularly and preventing prolonged exposure to harsh weather conditions will keep your scalp healthy. Eating a balanced diet which assists is right level of oil production at the scalp is also essential to maintain a normal scalp. Dry scalp can be treated by, but it takes a few months to get it back to normal. Regularly deep conditioning, oiling, taking a few head massages, exercising and adhering to a healthy diet will keep your hair and scalp is excellent form and shape.

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