The Alltel Hue - A Review

The Alltel Hue, a phone produced by Samsung exclusively for Alltel, was actually my second choice when I was choosing a new cell phone. I'd had my heart set on the Moto Q. As a gadget geek, I felt I needed the top of the line and the Moto Q was it. Unfortunately, I just didn't have the money at the time and I was in desperate need of a new cell phone. After perusing the rest of Alltel's selection, I decided to let myself get sucked in by the promise of a cute pink faceplate and a low price. I chose the Alltel Hue, and in the months since its purchase I've become more and more appreciative of this inexpensive, sturdy, stylish phone.

What's so great about it, aside from its $39.99 price tag (after the rebates and instant savings from purchasing a two year contract)? Let's break it down into a few distinct categories.


It works. Not only that, but it works well. The menus load quickly, the buttons are responsive and large enough for ease of use, and the phone's 1.3 megapixel camera's photo and video quality is impressive (as long as you're taking into consideration that this is a camera phone, not an actual digital camera). It's got just enough bells and whistles for the average user. A true gadget geek might not be satisfied with all the Hue has to offer, but for us mediocre (or just plain poor) gadget geeks it's just enough.

Oh, and did I mention it's an mp3 player, too? It's got a mini-SD slot for expandable memory so you can load up a bunch of songs. My only beef about that feature is that you can't use mp3s as ringtones. They're just trying to suck more money out of you by forcing you to buy ringtones. Which, let me tell you, you will need a new ringtone because the ones supplied suck and Alltel will suck money from you for downloading them.

The battery life is okay. It's not the greatest, but it charges fast enough that it's usually not a concern. Just make sure you plug it in every day or two otherwise you'll find yourself running on empty.

Call Quality

No complaints here! The sound quality is clear and the volume can be turned up loud enough to be audible in most situations. Even while I ride on a crowded bus filled with loud chatter and babies crying, my phone call to my mom comes through loud and clear.


This is an important factor. It's what turned me away from the Moto RAZR; I'd heard so many horror stories about how those phones fall apart or break that I wouldn't even consider it. My Hue has, unfortunately, suffered a great deal of abuse over these past couple months. It's hit the sidewalk, fallen out of my purse, and even took a dip in the toilet. Yes, it was fully submerged in the toilet (don't even ask how I managed this) and it came out working perfectly. That's one sturdy phone!


I'm not going to lie - this phone's hot. I have yet to purchase the pink faceplate, but after writing this review I'll probably scour eBay for one. When I purchased mine shortly after it was released, they only came with red and dark blue faceplates. Perhaps it's changed now, but you can buy additional colors in packs of three. I don't want the other colors, so I'm going to stick with finding a pink one on eBay. It's also very thin and sleek. You won't feel like you've got something real bulky in your pocket. The outer screen can also be set to display in a variety of colors. Personally I like the purple - it just looks the coolest.

Overall Impression

I really like this phone. Is it perfect? No, but it's certainly good enough, especially considering how much I paid for it. You probably won't find much better (at least from Alltel) in this price range. I highly recommended it for anyone from the average person to the gadget geek-on-a-budget like myself. If you're looking for something high-end, this isn't it. You probably figured that out after I said "$39.99", though.

The most frustrating thing about this phone is probably the fact that you can't use mp3s as ringtones, and I'm going to assume that most cell phones are that way considering how much these companies make selling ringtones. The other drawbacks, like the so-so battery life, really aren't that big of a deal, if you ask me.

In conclusion, I really like the Alltel Hue. So if you are thinking about a new phone from Alltel and haven't got a ton to spend, this is by far your best bet.

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